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IBM Quantum Platform



Functions for creating batches of samples from a bitstring matrix.


subsample(bitstring_matrix, probabilities, samples_per_batch, num_batches, rand_seed=None)


Subsample batches of bit arrays from an input bitstring_matrix.

Each individual batch will be sampled without replacement from the input bitstring_matrix. Samples will be replaced after creation of each batch, so different batches may contain identical samples.


  • bitstring_matrix (ndarray) – A 2D array of bool representations of bit values such that each row represents a single bitstring.
  • probabilities (ndarray) – A 1D array specifying a probability distribution over the bitstrings
  • samples_per_batch (int) – The number of samples to draw for each batch
  • num_batches (int) – The number of batches to generate
  • rand_seed (Generator |int | None) – A seed to control random behavior


A list of bitstring matrices subsampled from the input bitstring matrix.


  • ValueError – The number of elements in probabilities must equal the number of rows in bitstring_matrix.
  • ValueError – Samples per batch and number of batches must be positive integers.

Return type



postselect_and_subsample(bitstring_matrix, probabilities, *, hamming_right, hamming_left, samples_per_batch, num_batches, rand_seed=None)


Subsample batches of bit arrays with correct hamming weight from an input bitstring_matrix.

Bitstring samples with incorrect hamming weight on either their left or right half will not be sampled.

Each individual batch will be sampled without replacement from the input bitstring_matrix. Samples will be replaced after creation of each batch, so different batches may contain identical samples.


  • bitstring_matrix (ndarray) – A 2D array of bool representations of bit values such that each row represents a single bitstring.
  • probabilities (ndarray) – A 1D array specifying a probability distribution over the bitstrings
  • hamming_right (int) – The target hamming weight for the right half of sampled bitstrings
  • hamming_left (int) – The target hamming weight for the left half of sampled bitstrings
  • samples_per_batch (int) – The number of samples to draw for each batch
  • num_batches (int) – The number of batches to generate
  • rand_seed (Generator |int | None) – A seed to control random behavior


A list of bitstring matrices with correct hamming weight subsampled from the input bitstring matrix


  • ValueError – The number of elements in probabilities must equal the number of rows in bitstring_matrix.
  • ValueError – Hamming weights must be non-negative integers.
  • ValueError – Samples per batch and number of batches must be positive integers.

Return type


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