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IBM Quantum Platform
This page is from an old version of Qiskit Runtime client Go to the latest version


class SamplerExecutionOptionsV2(*args, **kwargs)


Extension of ExecutionOptionsV2 for the sampler primitive.



Type: UnsetType | bool

Default value: Unset

Whether to reset the qubits to the ground state for each shot. Default is True.


Type: UnsetType | Literal['classified', 'kerneled', 'avg_kerneled']

Default value: Unset

How to process and return measurement results.

This option sets the return type of all classical registers in all SamplerPubResults. If a sampler pub with shape pub_shape has a circuit that contains a classical register with size creg_size, then the returned data associated with this register will have one of the following formats depending on the value of this option.

  • "classified": A BitArray of shape pub_shape over num_shots with a number of bits equal to creg_size.
  • "kerneled": A complex NumPy array of shape (*pub_shape, num_shots, creg_size), where each entry represents an IQ data point (resulting from kerneling the measurement trace) in arbitrary units.
  • "avg_kerneled": A complex NumPy array of shape (*pub_shape, creg_size), where each entry represents an IQ data point (resulting from kerneling the measurement trace and averaging over shots) in arbitrary units. This option is equivalent to selecting "kerneled" and then averaging over the shots axis, but requires less data bandwidth.

Default: “classified”.

See here for a description of kerneling.


Type: UnsetType | float

Default value: Unset

The repetition delay. This is the delay between a measurement and the subsequent quantum circuit. This is only supported on backends that have backend.dynamic_reprate_enabled=True. It must be from the range supplied by backend.rep_delay_range. Default is given by backend.default_rep_delay.


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