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IBM Quantum Platform
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DAG Circuits


Circuits as Directed Acyclic Graphs

DAGCircuit()Quantum circuit as a directed acyclic graph.
DAGNode([nid])Parent class for DAGOpNode, DAGInNode, and DAGOutNode.
DAGOpNode(op[, qargs, cargs, dag])Object to represent an Instruction at a node in the DAGCircuit.
DAGInNode(wire)Object to represent an incoming wire node in the DAGCircuit.
DAGOutNode(wire)Object to represent an outgoing wire node in the DAGCircuit.
DAGDepNode([type, op, name, qargs, cargs, ...])Object to represent the information at a node in the DAGDependency().
DAGDependency()Object to represent a quantum circuit as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) via operation dependencies (i.e.



exception qiskit.dagcircuit.DAGCircuitError(*msg)


Base class for errors raised by the DAGCircuit object.

Set the error message.


exception qiskit.dagcircuit.DAGDependencyError(*msg)


Base class for errors raised by the DAGDependency object.

Set the error message.

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