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class qiskit.transpiler.passes.synthesis.hls_plugins.HalfAdderSynthesisC04


Bases: HighLevelSynthesisPlugin

A ripple-carry adder with a carry-out bit.

This plugin name is:HalfAdder.ripple_c04 which can be used as the key on an HLSConfig object to use this method with HighLevelSynthesis.

This plugin requires at least one clean auxiliary qubit.

The plugin supports the following plugin-specific options:

  • num_clean_ancillas: The number of clean auxiliary qubits available.



run(high_level_object, coupling_map=None, target=None, qubits=None, **options)


Run synthesis for the given Operation.


  • high_level_object (Operation) – The Operation to synthesize to a DAGCircuit object.
  • coupling_map (CouplingMap) – The coupling map of the backend in case synthesis is done on a physical circuit.
  • target (Target) – A target representing the target backend.
  • qubits (list) – List of qubits over which the operation is defined in case synthesis is done on a physical circuit.
  • options – Additional method-specific optional kwargs.


The quantum circuit representation of the Operation

when successful, and None otherwise.

Return type


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