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IBM Quantum Platform

Qiskit 0.29 release notes


Terra 0.18.2

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the assemble() function when called with the backend kwarg set and the parametric_pulses kwarg was set to an empty list the output qobj would contain the parametric_pulses setting from the given backend’s BackendConfiguration instead of the expected empty list. Fixed #6898
  • The Matplotlib circuit drawer will no longer duplicate drawings when using ipykernel>=6.0.0. Fixes #6889.

Aer 0.8.2

No change

Ignis 0.6.0

No change

Aqua 0.9.5

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a handling error in the Yahoo provider when only one ticker is entered. Added exception error if no ticker is entered. Limit yfinance to >=0.1.62 as previous versions have a JSON decoder error.

IBM Q Provider 0.16.0

No change


Terra 0.18.1


This bugfix release fixes a few minor issues and regressions in the 0.18.0 release. There is also a minor change to how pip handles the [all] extra when installing qiskit-terra directly, compared to 0.18.0.

Upgrade Notes

  • pip install qiskit-terra[all] will no longer attempt to install the bip-mapper extra. This is because the dependency cplex is not well supported on the range of Python versions and OSes that Terra supports, and a failed extra dependency would fail the entire package resolution. If you are using Python 3.7 or 3.8 and are on Linux-x64 or -ppc64le, macOS-x64 or Windows-x64 you should be able to install qiskit-terra[bip-mapper] explicitly, if desired, while other combinations of OS, platform architectures and Python versions will likely fail.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the QuantumInstance class would potentially try to use the CompleteMeasFitter class before it was imported resulting in an error. Fixed #6774
  • Fixed the missing Linux aarch64 wheels which were not published for the 0.18.0 release. They should now continue to be built as expected for all future releases.
  • Fixed an issue with the mock backends located in qiskit.test.mock where in some situations (mainly fake backends with stored BackendProperties running a QuantumCircuit with qiskit-aer installed) passing run time options to the run() method of a fake backend object would not actually be passed to the simulator underlying the run() method and not have any effect. Fixed #6741
  • Fix a bug in EvolvedOperatorAnsatz when the global phase is 0 (such as for QAOAAnsatz) but was still a ParameterExpression.
  • Fixed an issue with the settings attribute of QNSPSA, which was missing the fidelity argument from the output. This is now correctly included in the attribute’s output.
  • Fixed an issue with the subgraph() method of the CouplingMap class where it would incorrectly add nodes to the output CouplingMap object when the nodelist argument contained a non-contiguous list of qubit indices. This has been fixed so regardless of the input indices in nodelist the output CouplingMap will only contained the specified nodes reindexed starting at 0. Fixes #6736
  • Previously, Optimize1qGatesDecomposition failed to properly optimize one qubit gates that are sufficiently close to the identity matrix. This was fixed so that any gates that differ from the identity by less than 1e-15 are removed.
  • Fixed the generation and loading of QPY files with qiskit.circuit.qpy_serialization.dump() and qiskit.circuit.qpy_serialization.load() for QuantumCircuit objects that contain instructions with classical conditions on a single Clbit instead of a ClassicalRegister. While the use of single Clbit conditions is not yet fully supported, if you were using them in a circuit they are now correctly serialized by QPY.

Aer 0.8.2

No change

Ignis 0.6.0

No change

Aqua 0.9.4

No change

IBM Q Provider 0.16.0

New Features

  • A user can now set and retrieve preferences for qiskit.providers.ibmq.experiment.IBMExperimentService. Preferences are saved on disk in the $HOME/.qiskit/qiskitrc file. Currently the only preference option is auto_save, which tells applications that use this service, such as qiskit-experiments, whether you want changes to be automatically saved. Usage examples:

    provider.experiment.save_preferences(auto_save=True) # set and save preferences
    provider.experiment.preferences                      # return all saved preferences
  • The methods qiskit.providers.ibmq.experiment.IBMExperimentService.create_figure() and qiskit.providers.ibmq.experiment.IBMExperimentService.update_figure() now accept the sync_upload keyword. This controls whether or not the figure will be uploaded asynchronously or synchronously to backend storage. By default sync_upload is True for synchronous upload.

Upgrade Notes

  • IBMExperimentService is updated to work with the new qiskit-experiments. As a result, the syntax of the experiment service is drastically changed. This change, however, takes the experiment service out of beta mode, and future changes will provide backward compatibility according to Qiskit deprecation policy.
  • qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.utils.RuntimeEncoder now convert a callable object to None, since callables are not JSON serializable.
  • no longer accepts validate_qobj as a parameter. If you were relying on this schema validation you should pull the schemas from the Qiskit/ibm-quantum-schemas and directly validate your payloads with that.
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