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IBM Quantum Platform

Qiskit 0.32 release notes


Terra 0.18.3

No change

Aer 0.9.1

No change

Ignis 0.6.0

No change

Aqua 0.9.5

No change

IBM Q Provider 0.18.1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes #209 where the websocket connection kept timing out when streaming results for a runtime job, due to inactivity, when the job is in a pending state for a long time.


Terra 0.18.3

No change

Aer 0.9.1

No change

Ignis 0.6.0

No change

Aqua 0.9.5

No change

IBM Q Provider 0.18.0

New Features

  • You can now pass program_id parameter to method to filter jobs by Program ID.
  • You can view the last updated date of a runtime program using update_date property.
  • If you are the author of a runtime program, you can now use property to retrieve the program data as a string.
  • You can now use the qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.IBMRuntimeService.update_program() method to update the metadata for a Qiskit Runtime program. Program metadata can be specified using the metadata parameter or individual parameters, such as name and description. If the same metadata field is specified in both places, the individual parameter takes precedence.
  • You can now use the qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.IBMRuntimeService.update_program() method to update the data of an existing runtime program.

Upgrade Notes

  • Runtime programs will no longer have a version field.
  • By default, qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.IBMRuntimeService.pprint_programs() now only prints the summary of each runtime program instead of all of the details. There is a new parameter detailed that can be set to True to print all details.
  • limit and skip parameters have been added to qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.IBMRuntimeService.programs() and qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.IBMRuntimeService.pprint_programs(). limit can be used to set the number of runtime programs returned and skip is the number of programs to skip when retrieving programs.
  • The data parameter to qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.IBMRuntimeService.upload_program() can now only be of type string. It can be either the program data, or path to the file that contains program data.
  • qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.IBMRuntimeService.upload_program() now takes only two parameters, data, which is the program passed as a string or the path to the program file and the metadata, which is passed as a dictionary or path to the metadata JSON file. In metadata the backend_requirements, parameters, return_values and interim_results are now grouped under a specifications spec section. parameters, return_values and interim_results should now be specified as JSON Schema.
  • qiskit.providers.ibmq.AccountProvider.run_circuits() method now takes a backend_name parameter, which is a string, instead of backend, which is a Backend object.
  • The default number of shots (represents the number of repetitions of each circuit, for sampling) in, has been increased from 1024 to 4000.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes the issue wherein a runtime job result cannot be retrieved multiple times if the result contains a numpy array.
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