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IBM Quantum Platform

Qiskit 0.33 release notes


Terra 0.19.1


Qiskit Terra 0.19.1 is a bugfix release, solving some issues in 0.19.0 concerning circuits constructed by the control-flow builder interface, conditional gates and QPY serialisation of newer Terra objects.

Deprecation Notes

  • The loose functions qiskit.circuit.measure.measure() and qiskit.circuit.reset.reset() are deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Instead, you should access these as methods on QuantumCircuit:

    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
    # Replace this deprecated form ...
    from qiskit.circuit.measure import measure
    measure(circuit, 0, 0)
    # ... with either of the next two lines:
    circuit.measure(0, 0)
    QuantumCircuit.measure(circuit, 0, 0)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error in the circuit conversion functions circuit_to_gate() and circuit_to_instruction() (and their associated circuit methods QuantumCircuit.to_gate() and QuantumCircuit.to_instruction()) when acting on a circuit with registerless bits, or bits in more than one register. Previously, the number of bits necessary for the created gate or instruction would be calculated incorrectly, often causing an exception during the conversion.

  • Fixed an issue where calling QuantumCircuit.copy() on the “body” circuits of a control-flow operation created with the builder interface would raise an error. For example, this was previously an error, but will now return successfully:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
    qreg = QuantumRegister(4)
    creg = ClassicalRegister(1)
    circ = QuantumCircuit(qreg, creg)
    with circ.if_test((creg, 0)):
    if_else_instruction, _, _ =[0]
    true_body = if_else_instruction.params[0]
  • The control-flow builder interface now supports using ClassicalRegisters as conditions in nested control-flow scopes. Previously, doing this would not raise an error immediately, but the internal circuit blocks would not have the correct registers defined, and so later logic that worked with the inner blocks would fail.

    For example, previously the drawers would fail when trying to draw an inner block conditioned on a classical register, whereas now it will succeed, such as in this example:

    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
    qreg = QuantumRegister(4)
    creg = ClassicalRegister(1)
    circ = QuantumCircuit(qreg, creg)
    with circ.for_loop(range(10)) as a:
        circ.ry(a, 0)
        with circ.if_test((creg, 1)):
  • Fixed qpy_serialization support for serializing QuantumCircuit objects that are using ParameterVector or ParameterVectorElement as parameters. Previously, a ParameterVectorElement parameter was just treated as a Parameter for QPY serialization which meant the ParameterVector context was lost in QPY and the output order of parameters could be incorrect.

    To fix this issue a new QPY format version, Version 3, was required. This new format version includes a representation of the ParameterVectorElement class which is described in the qpy_serialization documentation at PARAMETER_VECTOR_ELEMENT.

  • Fixed the qpy_serialization support for serializing a PauliEvolutionGate object. Previously, the PauliEvolutionGate was treated as a custom gate for serialization and would be deserialized as a Gate object that had the same definition and name as the original PauliEvolutionGate. However, this would lose the original state from the PauliEvolutionGate. This has been fixed so that starting in this release a PauliEvolutionGate in the circuit will be preserved 1:1 across QPY serialization now. The only limitation with this is that it does not support custom EvolutionSynthesis classes. Only the classes available from qiskit.synthesis can be used with a PauliEvolutionGate for qpy serialization.

    To fix this issue a new QPY format version, Version 3, was required. This new format version includes a representation of the PauliEvolutionGate class which is described in the qpy_serialization documentation at PAULI_EVOLUTION.

  • Two loose functions qiskit.circuit.measure.measure() and qiskit.circuit.reset.reset() were accidentally removed without a deprecation period. They have been reinstated, but are marked as deprecated in favour of the methods QuantumCircuit.measure() and QuantumCircuit.reset(), respectively, and will be removed in a future release.

Other Notes

  • The new control-flow builder interface uses various context managers and helper objects to do its work. These should not be considered part of the public API, and are liable to be changed and removed without warning. The usage of the builder interface has stability guarantees, in the sense that the behaviour described by QuantumCircuit.for_loop(), while_loop() and if_test() for the builder interface are subject to the standard deprecation policies, but the actual objects used to effect this are not. You should not rely on the objects (such as IfContext or ControlFlowBuilderBlock) existing in their current locations, or having any methods or attributes attached to them.

    This was not previously clear in the 0.19.0 release. All such objects now have a warning in their documentation strings making this explicit. It is likely in the future that their locations and backing implementations will become quite different.

Aer 0.9.1

No change

Ignis 0.7.0

No change

IBM Q Provider 0.18.2

Bug Fixes

  • Fix delivered in #1065 for the issue where job kept crashing when Parameter was passed in circuit metadata.
  • Fix delivered in #1094 for the issue wherein qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.RuntimeEncoder does an extra decompose() if the circuit being serialized is a BlueprintCircuit.


This release officially marks the end of support for the Qiskit Aqua project in Qiskit. It was originally deprecated in the 0.25.0 release and as was documented in that release the qiskit-aqua package has been removed from the Qiskit metapackage, which means pip install qiskit will no longer include qiskit-aqua. However, because of limitations in python packaging we cannot automatically remove a pre-existing install of qiskit-aqua when upgrading a previous version of Qiskit to this release (or a future release) with pip install -U qiskit. If you are upgrading from a previous version it’s recommended that you manually uninstall Qiskit Aqua with pip uninstall qiskit-aqua or install in a fresh python environment.

The application modules that were provided by qiskit-aqua have been split into several new packages: qiskit-optimization, qiskit-nature, qiskit-machine-learning, and qiskit-finance. These packages can be installed by themselves (via the standard pip install command, e.g. pip install qiskit-nature) or with the rest of the Qiskit metapackage as optional extras (e.g. pip install 'qiskit[finance,optimization]' or pip install 'qiskit[all]'). The core algorithms and the operator flow now exist as part of Qiskit Terra at qiskit.algorithms and qiskit.opflow. Depending on your existing usage of Aqua you should either use the application packages or the new modules in Qiskit Terra. For more details on how to migrate from Qiskit Aqua you can refer to the Aqua Migration Guide.

This release also officially deprecates the Qiskit Ignis project. Accordingly, in a future release the qiskit-ignis package will be removed from the Qiskit metapackage, which means in that future release pip install qiskit will no longer include qiskit-ignis. Qiskit Ignis has been supersceded by the Qiskit Experiments project and active development has ceased. While deprecated, critical bug fixes and compatibility fixes will continue to be made to provide users a sufficient opportunity to migrate off of Ignis. After the deprecation period (which will be no shorter than 3 months from this release) the project will be retired and archived. You can refer to the migration guide for details on how to switch from Qiskit Ignis to Qiskit Experiments.

Terra 0.19.0


The Qiskit Terra 0.19 release highlights are:

  • A new version of the abstract Qiskit/hardware interface, in the form of BackendV2, which comes with a new data structure Target to allow backends to better model their constraints for the transpiler.
  • An extensible plugin interface to the UnitarySynthesis transpiler pass, allowing users or other packages to extend Qiskit Terra’s synthesis routines with new methods.
  • Control-flow instructions, for representing for and while loops and if/else statements in QuantumCircuit. The simulators in Qiskit Aer will soon be able to work with these new instructions, allowing you to write more dynamic quantum programs.
  • Preliminary support for the evolving OpenQASM 3 specification. You can use the new qiskit.qasm3 module to serialize your QuantumCircuits into OpenQASM 3, including the new control-flow constructs.

This release marks the end of support for Python 3.6 in Qiskit. This release of Qiskit Terra, and any subsequent bugfix releases in the 0.19.x series, will be the last to work with Python 3.6. Starting from the next minor release (0.20.0) of Qiskit Terra, the minimum required Python version will be 3.7.

As always, there are many more features and fixes in this release as well, which you can read about below.

New Features

  • QuantumCircuit.decompose() and its corresponding transpiler pass Decompose now optionally accept a parameter containing a collection of gate names. If this parameter is given, then only gates with matching names will be decomposed. This supports Unix-shell-style wildcard matches. For example:

    qc.decompose(["h", "r[xz]"])

    will decompose any h, rx or rz gates, but leave (for example) x gates untouched.

  • Added the termination_checker argument to the SPSA optimizer. This allows the user to implement a custom termination criterion.

    import numpy as np
    from qiskit.algorithms.optimizers import SPSA
    def objective(x):
        return np.linalg.norm(x) + .04*np.random.rand(1)
    class TerminationChecker:
        def __init__(self, N : int):
            Callback to terminate optimization when the average decrease over
            the last N data points is smaller than the specified tolerance.
            self.N = N
            self.values = []
        def __call__(self, nfev, parameters, value, stepsize, accepted) -> bool:
                True if the optimization loop should be terminated.
            if len(self.values) > self.N:
                last_values = self.values[-self.N:]
                pp = np.polyfit(range(self.N), last_values, 1)
                slope = pp[0] / self.N
                if slope > 0:
                    return True
            return False
    maxiter = 400
    spsa = SPSA(maxiter=maxiter, termination_checker=TerminationChecker(10))
    parameters, value, niter = spsa.optimize(2, objective, initial_point=np.array([0.5, 0.5]))
  • Added a new version of the Backend interface, BackendV2. This new version is a large change from the previous version, BackendV1 and changes both the user access pattern for properties of the backend (like number of qubits, etc) and how the backend represents its constraints to the transpiler. The execution of circuits (via the run() method) remains unchanged. With a BackendV2 backend instead of having a separate configuration(), properties(), and defaults() methods that construct BackendConfiguration, BackendProperties, and PulseDefaults objects respectively, like in the BackendV1 interface, the attributes contained in those output objects are accessible directly as attributes of the BackendV2 object. For example, to get the number of qubits for a backend with BackendV1 you would do:

    num_qubits = backend.configuration().n_qubits

    while with BackendV2 it is:

    num_qubits = backend.num_qubits

    The other change around this is that the number of attributes exposed in the abstract BackendV2 class is designed to be a hardware/vendor agnostic set of the required or optional fields that the rest of Qiskit can use today with any backend. Subclasses of the abstract BackendV2 class can add support for additional attributes and methods beyond those defined in BackendV2, but these will not be supported universally throughout Qiskit.

    The other critical change that is primarily important for provider authors is how a BackendV2 exposes the properties of a particular backend to the transpiler. With BackendV2 this is done via a Target object. The Target, which is exposed via the target attribute, is used to represent the set of constraints for running circuits on a particular backend. It contains the subset of information previously exposed by the BackendConfiguration, BackendProperties, and PulseDefaults classes which the transpiler can actively use. When migrating a provider to use BackendV2 (or when creating a new provider package) the construction of backend objects will primarily be around creating a Target object for the backend.

  • Added a new Target class to the transpiler module. The Target class is designed to represent the constraints of backend to the compiler. The Target class is intended to be used with a BackendV2 backend and is how backends will model their constraints for the transpiler moving forward. It combines the previously distinct fields used for controlling the transpile() target device (e.g. basis_gates, coupling_map, instruction_durations, etc) into a single data structure. It also adds additional functionality on top of what was available previously such as representing heterogeneous gate sets, multi-qubit gate connectivity, and tuned variants of the same gates. Currently the transpiler doesn’t factor in all these constraints, but over time it will grow to leverage the extra functionality.

  • The Options class now has optional support for specifying validators. This enables Backend authors to optionally specify basic validation on the user supplied values for fields in the Options object. For example, if you had an Options object defined with:

    from qiskit.providers.Options
    options = Options(shots=1024)

    you can set a validator on shots for it to be between 1 and 4096 with:

    options.set_validator('shots', (1, 4096))

    With the validator set any call to the update_options() method will check that if shots is being updated the proposed new value is within the valid range.

  • Added a new transpiler analysis pass, ContainsInstruction, to the qiskit.transpiler.passes module. This pass is used to determine if a circuit contains a specific instruction. It takes in a single parameter at initialization, the name of the instruction to check for and set a boolean in the property set whether the circuit contains that instruction or not. For example:

    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ContainsInstruction
    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
    circuit.h(0), 1)
    property_set = {}
    # Contains Hadamard
    contains_h = ContainsInstruction("h")
    contains_h(circuit, property_set)
    assert property_set["contains_h"] == True
    # Not contains SX
    contains_sx = ContainsInstruction("sx")
    contains_sx(circuit, property_set)
    assert property_set["contains_sx"] == False
  • Added a utility function qiskit.utils.detach_prefix() that is a counterpart of apply_prefix(). The new function returns a tuple of scaled value and prefix from a given float value. For example, a value 1.3e8 will be converted into (130, "M") that can be used to display a value in the user friendly format, such as 130 MHz.

  • The values "gate_error" and "balanced" are now available for the objective option in the construction of the BIPMapping object, and "balanced" is now the default.

    The "gate_error" objective requires passing a BackendProperties instance in the backend_prop kwarg, which contains the 2q-gate gate errors used in the computation of the objectives. The "balanced" objective will use the BackendProperties instance if it is given, but otherwise will assume a CX error rate as given in the new parameter default_cx_error_rate. The relative weights of the gate-error and depth components of the balanced objective can be controlled with the new depth_obj_weight parameter.

  • Every attribute of the VQE class that is set at the initialization is now accessible with getters and setters. Further, the default values of the VQE attributes ansatz and optimizer can be reset by assigning None to them:

    vqe = VQE(my_ansatz, my_optimizer)
    vqe.ansatz = None   # reset to default: RealAmplitudes ansatz
    vqe.optimizer = None  # reset to default: SLSQP optimizer
  • Added a new method PauliList.group_qubit_wise_commuting() that partitions a PauliList into sets of mutually qubit-wise commuting Pauli operators. For example:

    from qiskit.quantum_info import PauliList, Pauli
    pauli_list = PauliList([Pauli("IY"), Pauli("XX"), Pauli("YY"), Pauli("YX")])
  • Added a new coupling-map constructor method CouplingMap.from_hexagonal_lattice() for constructing a hexagonal lattice coupling map. For example, to construct a 2x2 hexagonal lattice coupling map:

    from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap
    cmap = CouplingMap.from_hexagonal_lattice(2, 2)
  • New fake backend classes are available under qiskit.test.mock. These include mocked versions of ibmq_brooklyn, ibmq_manila, ibmq_jakarta, and ibmq_lagos. As with the other fake backends, these include snapshots of calibration data (i.e. backend.defaults()) and error data (i.e. taken from the real system, and can be used for local testing, compilation and simulation.

  • Added the OperatorBase.is_hermitian() method to check whether the operator is Hermitian or not. NumPyEigensolver and NumPyMinimumEigensolver use eigh or eigsh to solve the eigenvalue problem when the operator is Hermitian.

  • Added a new constructor method PassManagerConfig.from_backend(). It constructs a PassManagerConfig object with user options and the configuration of a backend. With this feature, a preset passmanager can be built easier. For example:

    from qiskit.transpiler.passmanager_config import PassManagerConfig
    from qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers import level_1_pass_manager
    from qiskit.test.mock import FakeMelbourne
    pass_manager = level_1_pass_manager(
      PassManagerConfig.from_backend(FakeMelbourne(), seed_transpiler=42)
  • A new transpiler pass, PulseGates, was added, which automatically extracts user-provided calibrations from the instruction schedule map and attaches the gate schedule to the given (transpiled) quantum circuit as a pulse gate.

    The PulseGates transpiler pass is applied to all optimization levels from 0 to 3. No gate implementation is updated unless the end-user explicitly overrides the backend.defaults().instruction_schedule_map. This pass saves users from individually calling QuantumCircuit.add_calibration() for every circuit run on the hardware.

    To supplement this new pass, a schedule was added to InstructionScheduleMap and is implicitly updated with a metadata field "publisher". Backend-calibrated gate schedules have a special publisher kind to avoid overriding circuits with calibrations of already known schedules. Usually, end-users don’t need to take care of this metadata as it is applied automatically. You can call InstructionScheduleMap.has_custom_gate() to check if the map has custom gate calibration.

    See the below code example to learn how to apply custom gate implementation for all circuits under execution.

    from qiskit.test.mock import FakeGuadalupe
    from qiskit import pulse, circuit, transpile
    backend = FakeGuadalupe()
    with, name="x") as x_q0:, 0.1), pulse.drive_channel(0))
    backend.defaults().instruction_schedule_map.add("x", (0,), x_q0)
    circs = []
    for _ in range(100):
        circ = circuit.QuantumCircuit(1)
        circ.rz(1.57, 0)
    circs = transpile(circs, backend)
    circs[0].calibrations  # This returns calibration only for x gate

    Note that the instruction schedule map is a mutable object. If you override one of the entries and use that backend for other experiments, you may accidentally update the gate definition.

    backend = FakeGuadalupe()
    instmap = backend.defaults().instruction_schedule_map
    instmap.add("x", (0, ), my_x_gate_schedule)
    qc = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
    qc.measure(0, 0)
    qc = transpile(qc, backend)  # This backend uses custom X gate

    If you want to update the gate definitions of a specific experiment, you need to first deepcopy the instruction schedule map and directly pass it to the transpiler.

  • Introduced a new option qubit_subset to the constructor of BIPMapping. The option enables us to specify physical qubits to be used (in coupling_map of the device) during the mapping in one line:

    mapped_circ = BIPMapping(
        coupling_map=CouplingMap([[0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [3, 4]]),
        qubit_subset=[1, 3, 4]

    Previously, to do the same thing, we had to supply a reduced coupling_map which contains only the qubits to be used, embed the resulting circuit onto the original coupling_map and update the QuantumCircuit._layout accordingly:

    reduced_coupling = coupling_map.reduce(qubit_to_use)
    mapped = BIPMapping(reduced_coupling)(circ)
    # skip the definition of fill_with_ancilla()
    # recover circuit on original coupling map
    layout = Layout({q: qubit_to_use[i] for i, q in enumerate(mapped.qubits)})
    for reg in mapped.qregs:
    property_set = {"layout": fill_with_ancilla(layout)}
    recovered = ApplyLayout()(mapped, property_set)
    # recover layout
    overall_layout = Layout({v: qubit_to_use[q] for v, q in mapped._layout.get_virtual_bits().items()})
    for reg in mapped.qregs:
    recovered._layout = fill_with_ancilla(overall_layout)
  • Added the ignore_pauli_phase and copy arguments to the constructor of SparsePauliOp. ignore_pauli_phase prevents the phase attribute of an input PauliList from being read, which is more performant if the PauliList is already known to have all phases as zero in the internal ZX convention. copy allows users to avoid the copy of the input data when they explicitly set copy=False.

  • Improved performance of the following SparsePauliOp operations:

  • Added the SparsePauliOp.sum() method to add together many SparsePauliOps. This method has significantly better performance than adding the instances together in a loop. For example, the previous way to add several SparsePauliOps together would be to do:

    from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp, random_pauli_list
    sparse_ops = [SparsePauliOp(random_pauli_list(10, 10)) for _ in [None]*1000]
    total = sparse_ops[0]
    for op in sparse_ops[1:]:
        total += op

    This can now be done far more efficiently (in both speed and typing!) as:

  • Added an argument limit_amplitude to the constructor of ParametricPulse, which is the base class of Gaussian, GaussianSquare, Drag and Constant, to allowing disabling the amplitude limit of 1 on a pulse-by-pulse basis. With limit_amplitude=False, individual pulses may have an amplitude exceeding unity without raising a PulseError. See #6544 for more detail.

  • Using QuantumCircuit.draw() or circuit_drawer() with the latex drawer will now generate a file in an image format inferred from the filename extension, for example:

    import qiskit
    circuit = qiskit.QuantumCircuit(2)
    circuit.h(0), 1)
    circuit.draw('latex', filename='./file.jpg')

    This will save the circuit drawing in the JPEG format. Previously, the image always be in PNG format. Refer to #6448 for more details.

    Now, if it encounters a filename extension which is not supported, for example:

    circuit.draw('latex', filename='./file.spooky')

    it will raise a ValueError to change the filename extension to a supported image format.

  • Added the parameter filename to plot_gate_map() and plot_coupling_map(), which allows saving the resulting images to a file.

  • Introduced an approximate quantum compiler and a corresponding unitary synthesis plugin implementation. The main AQC class is AQC for a standalone version that compiles a unitary matrix into an approximate circuit. The plugin may be invoked by transpile() when the unitary_synthesis_method argument is set to 'aqc'. See qiskit.transpiler.synthesis.aqc for full details.

  • Added a filter_function argument to QuantumCircuit.depth() and QuantumCircuit.size() in order to analyze circuit operations according to some criteria.

    For example, to get the number of two-qubit gates, you can do:

    circuit.size(lambda x: x[0].num_qubits == 2)

    Or to get the depth of T gates acting on the zeroth qubit:

    circuit.depth(lambda x: x[0].name == 't' and circuit.qubits[0] in x[1])
  • Added a new transpiler pass, CollectMultiQBlocks, to the qiskit.transpiler.passes module. This pass is used to collect sequences of uninterrupted gates acting on groups of qubits. It provides a similar function to the existing Collect2qBlocks pass, but while that pass is designed and optimized to find 2 qubit blocks this new pass will work to find blocks of any size.

  • There is a builder interface for the new control-flow operations on QuantumCircuit, such as the new ForLoopOp, IfElseOp, and WhileLoopOp. The interface uses the same circuit methods, i.e. QuantumCircuit.for_loop(), QuantumCircuit.if_test() and QuantumCircuit.while_loop(), which are overloaded so that if the body parameter is not given, they return a context manager. Entering one of these context managers pushes a scope into the circuit, and captures all gate calls (and other scopes) and the resources these use, and builds up the relevant operation at the end. For example, you can now do:

    qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
    with qc.for_loop(range(5)) as i:
        qc.rx(i * math.pi / 4, 0)

    This will produce a ForLoopOp on qc, which knows that qubit 0 is the only resource used within the loop body. These context managers can be nested, and will correctly determine their widths. You can use QuantumCircuit.break_loop() and QuantumCircuit.continue_loop() within a context, and it will expand to be the correct width for its containing loop, even if it is nested in further QuantumCircuit.if_test() blocks.

    The if_test() context manager provides a chained manager which, if desired, can be used to create an else block, such as by:

    qreg = QuantumRegister(2)
    creg = ClassicalRegister(2)
    qc = QuantumCircuit(qreg, creg)
    qc.h(0), 1)
    qc.measure(0, 0)
    with qc.if_test((creg, 0)) as else_:
    with else_:

    The manager will ensure that the if and else bodies are defined over the same set of resources.

  • Introduced a new transpiler pass InverseCancellation that generalizes the CXCancellation pass to cancel any self-inverse gates or gate-inverse pairs. It can be used by initializing InverseCancellation and passing a gate to cancel, for example:

    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import InverseCancellation
    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit.circuit.library import HGate
    from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager
    qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
    pass_ = InverseCancellation([HGate()])
    pm = PassManager(pass_)
    new_circ =
  • The constructor of RZXCalibrationBuilder has two new kwargs instruction_schedule_map and qubit_channel_mapping which take a InstructionScheduleMap and list of channel name lists for each qubit respectively. These new arguments are used to directly specify the information needed from a backend target. They should be used instead of passing a BaseBackend or BackendV1 object directly to the pass with the backend argument.

  • The Statevectors of states comprised only of qubits can now be drawn in LaTeX in ket notation. In ket notation the entries of the statevector are processed such that exact factors like fractions or square roots of two are drawn as such. The particular convention can be chosen by passing the convention keyword argument as either "ket" or "vector" as appropriate:

    import math
    from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
    sv = Statevector([math.sqrt(0.5), 0, 0, -math.sqrt(0.5)])
    sv.draw("latex", convention="ket")
    sv.draw("latex", convention="vector")
  • Added a new transpiler pass EchoRZXWeylDecomposition that allows users to decompose an arbitrary two-qubit gate in terms of echoed RZX-gates by leveraging Cartan’s decomposition. In combination with other transpiler passes, this can be used to transpile arbitrary circuits to RZX-gate-based and pulse-efficient circuits that implement the same unitary.

  • The SPSA and QNSPSA optimizer classes are now capable of batching as many circuit evaluations as possible for both the iterations and the initial calibrations. This can be leveraged by setting the max_evals_grouped kwarg on the constructor for VQE when using either SPSA or QNSPSA as the optimizer parameter. For example:

    from qiskit.circuit.library import TwoLocal
    from qiskit.algorithms import VQE
    from qiskit.algorithms.optimizers import QNSPSA
    from qiskit.test.mock import FakeMontreal
    backend = FakeMontreal()
    ansatz = TwoLocal(2, rotation_blocks=["ry", "rz"], entanglement_blocks="cz")
    qnspsa = QNSPSA(fidelity, maxiter=5)
    vqe = VQE(
  • This release introduces a decomposition method for two-qubit gates which targets user-defined sets of RZX gates. Transpiler users can enable decomposition for {RZX(pi/2), RZX(pi/4), and RZX(pi/6)} specifically by including 'rzx' in their basis_gates list when calling transpile(). Quantum information package users can find the method itself under the XXDecomposer class.

  • Added a transpiler pass Optimize1qGatesSimpleCommutation, which optimizes a circuit according to a strategy of commuting single-qubit gates around to discover resynthesis opportunities.

  • Added a max_job_tries parameter to QuantumInstance, to limit the number of times a job will attempt to be executed on a backend. Previously the submission and fetching of results would be attempted infinitely, even if the job was cancelled or errored on the backend. The default is now 50, and the previous behaviour can be achieved by setting max_job_tries=-1. Fixes #6872 and #6821.

  • The latex output method for the circuit_drawer() function and the QuantumCircuit.draw() method can now draw circuits that contain gates with single bit condition. This was added for compatibility of latex drawer with the new feature of supporting classical conditioning of gates on single classical bits.

  • The "mpl" output method for the circuit_drawer() function and the QuantumCircuit.draw() method can now draw circuits that contain gates with single bit condition. This was added for compatibility of the "mpl" drawer with the new feature of supporting classical conditioning of gates on single classical bits.

  • The text output method for the circuit_drawer() function and the QuantumCircuit.draw() method can now draw circuits that contain gates with single bit condition. This was added for compatibility of text drawer with the new feature of supporting classical conditioning of gates on single classical bits.

  • A new analysis transpiler pass, GatesInBasis, was added to qiskit.transpiler.passes. This pass is used to check if the DAGCircuit being transpiled has all the gates in the configured basis set or not. It will set the attribute "all_gates_in_basis" in the property set to True if all the gates in the DAGCircuit are in the configured basis set or False if they are not. For example:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import GatesInBasis
    # Instatiate Pass
    basis_gates = ["cx", "h"]
    basis_check_pass = GatesInBasis(basis_gates)
    # Build circuit
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
    circuit.h(0), 1)
    # Run pass on circuit
    property_set = {}
    basis_check_pass(circuit, property_set=property_set)
    assert property_set["all_gates_in_basis"]
  • Added two new constructor methods, from_heavy_hex() and from_heavy_square(), to the CouplingMap class. These constructor methods are used to create a CouplingMap that are a heavy hex or heavy square graph as described in Chamberland et al., 2020.

    For example:

    from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap
    cmap = CouplingMap.from_heavy_hex(5)
    from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap
    cmap = CouplingMap.from_heavy_square(5)
  • The HHL algorithm can now find solutions when its matrix has negative eigenvalues. To enable this, the algorithm now adds an extra qubit to represent the sign of the value, and the helper algorithm ExactReciprocal was updated to process this new information. See #6971 for more details.

  • Added two new classes, CompleteMeasFitter and TensoredMeasFitter to the qiskit.utils.mitigation module. These classes are for use only as values for the measurement_error_mitigation_cls kwarg of the QuantumInstance class. The instantiation and usage of these classes (or anything else in qiskit.utils.mitigation) outside of the measurement_error_mitigation_cls kwarg should be treated as an internal private API and not relied upon.

  • The ListOp class in qiskit.opflow now has a coeffs attribute, which returns a list of the coefficients of the operator list, with the overall coefficient (ListOp.coeff) distributed multiplicatively into the list. Note that ListOp objects may be nested (contained in oplist of a ListOp object), and in these cases an exception is raised if the coeffs method is called. The ListOp.coeffs method conveniently duck-types against the coeffs property method of the non-nesting PauliSumOp class.

  • The Statevector class is now subscriptable. User can now retrieve the nth coefficient in a Statevector by index as statevec[n].

  • Added the Statevector.inner method to calculate inner products of Statevector instances. For example:

    statevec_inner_other = statevec.inner(other)

    will return the inner product of statevec with other. While statevec must be a Statevector, other can be anything that can be constructed into a Statevector, such as a Numpy array.

  • Added a new parameter, add_bits, to QuantumCircuit.measure_all(). By default it is set to True to maintain the previous behaviour of adding a new ClassicalRegister of the same size as the number of qubits to store the measurements. If set to False, the measurements will be stored in the already existing classical bits. For example, if you created a circuit with existing classical bits like:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
    qr = QuantumRegister(2)
    cr = ClassicalRegister(2, "meas")
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)

    calling circuit.measure_all(add_bits=False) will use the existing classical register cr as the output target of the Measurement objects added to the circuit.

  • ParameterExpression now delegates its numeric conversions to the underlying symbolic library, even if there are potentially unbound parameters. This allows conversions of expressions such as:

    >>> from qiskit.circuit import Parameter
    >>> x = Parameter('x')
    >>> float(x - x + 2.3)

    where the underlying expression has a fixed value, but the parameter x is not yet bound.

  • Added an Optimizer.minimize() method to all optimizers: Optimizer and derived classes. This method mimics the signature of SciPy’s minimize() function and returns an OptimizerResult.

    For example

    import numpy as np
    from qiskit.algorithms.optimizers import COBYLA
    def loss(x):
        return -(x[0] - 1) ** 2 - (x[1] + 1) ** 3
    initial_point = np.array([0, 0])
    optimizer = COBYLA()
    result = optimizer.minimize(loss, initial_point)
    optimal_parameters = result.x
    minimum_value =
    num_function_evals = result.nfev
  • Added a PauliEvolutionGate to the circuit library (qiskit.circuit.library) which defines a gate performing time evolution of (sums or sums-of-sums of) Paulis. The synthesis of this gate is performed by EvolutionSynthesis and is decoupled from the gate itself. Currently available synthesis methods are:

    For example:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit.circuit.library import PauliEvolutionGate
    from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
    from qiskit.synthesis import SuzukiTrotter
    operator = SparsePauliOp.from_list([
        ("XIZ", 0.5), ("ZZX", 0.5), ("IYY", -1)
    time = 0.12  # evolution time
    synth = SuzukiTrotter(order=4, reps=2)
    evo = PauliEvolutionGate(operator, time=time, synthesis=synth)
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(3)
    circuit.append(evo, range(3))
  • A new function plot_coupling_map() has been introduced, which extends the functionality of the existing function plot_gate_map(), by accepting three parameters: num_qubit, qubit_coordinates, and coupling_map (instead of backend), to allow an arbitrary qubit coupling map to be plotted.

  • Qiskit Terra now has initial support for serializing QuantumCircuits to OpenQASM 3:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
    from qiskit import qasm3
    qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
    qc.h(0), 1)

    This initial release has limited support for named registers, basic built-in instructions (such as measure, barrier and reset), user-defined gates, user-defined instructions (as subroutines), and the new control-flow constructs also introduced in this release:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
    from qiskit import qasm3
    import math
    composite_circ_qreg = QuantumRegister(2)
    composite_circ = QuantumCircuit(composite_circ_qreg, name="composite_circ")
    composite_circ.x(1), 1)
    composite_circ_gate = composite_circ.to_gate()
    qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
    cr = ClassicalRegister(2, "cr")
    qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
    with qc.for_loop(range(4)) as i:
        qc.rx(i * math.pi / 4, 0), 1)
    qc.append(composite_circ_gate, [0, 1])
    qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1])
  • The QDrift class was reformulated as a synthesis method for PauliEvolutionGate, deriving from TrotterizationBase.

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit.circuit.library import PauliEvolutionGate
    from qiskit.synthesis import QDrift
    from qiskit.opflow import X, Y, Z
    qdrift = QDrift(reps=2)
    operator = (X ^ 3) + (Y ^ 3) + (Z ^ 3)
    time = 2.345  # evolution time
    evolution_gate = PauliEvolutionGate(operator, time, synthesis=qdrift)
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(3)
    circuit.append(evolution_gate, range(3))
  • QPY serialization is now capable of representing global_phase attributes of a QuantumCircuit object that are an int, Parameter object, or ParameterExpression object. Previous versions of QPY would only accept a global_phase that was a float.

    This requires the QPY format Version 2 which was introduced in this release to represent the additional types.

  • A new find_bit() method has been added to the QuantumCircuit class, which allows lookups of the index and registers of a provided Bit on the given circuit. The method returns a two-element namedtuple containing 0) the index of the Bit in either qubits (for a Qubit) or clbits (for a Clbit) and 1) a list of length-2 tuples containing each circuit Register which contains the Bit, and the index in that Register at which the Bit can be found.

    For example:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, Qubit
    reg1 = QuantumRegister(3, 'foo')
    qubit = Qubit()
    reg2 = QuantumRegister(2, 'bar')
    qc = QuantumCircuit(reg1, [qubit], reg2)

    would generate:

    BitLocations(index=2, registers=[(QuantumRegister(3, 'foo'), 2)])
    BitLocations(index=3, registers=[])
  • Three new Instruction subclasses have been added to support control flow operations in dynamic circuits: WhileLoopOp, ForLoopOp, and IfElseOp. Additionally, two subclasses, BreakLoopOp, and ContinueLoopOp, have been added to support breaking from and continuing to the next iteration of a loop context, respectively.

    These can be created as stand-alone Instructions, or appended to an existing QuantumCircuit instance via their respective methods, QuantumCircuit.while_loop(), for_loop(), if_test(), if_else(), break_loop(), and continue_loop().

  • Added the BaseReadoutMitigator abstract base class for implementing classical measurement error mitigators. These objects are intended for mitigation measurement errors in Counts objects returned from execution of circuits on backends with measurement errors.

    Readout mitigator classes have two main methods:

    Note that currently the qiskit.algorithms module and the QuantumInstance class still use the legacy mitigators migrated from Qiskit Ignis in qiskit.utils.mitigation. It is planned to upgrade the module to use the new mitigator classes and deprecate the legacy mitgation code in a future release.

  • Added the LocalReadoutMitigator class for performing measurement readout error mitigation of local measurement errors. Local measuerment errors are those that are described by a tensor-product of single-qubit measurement errors.

    This class can be initialized with a list of NN single-qubit of measurement error assignment matrices or from a backend using the readout error information in the backend properties.

    Mitigation is implemented using local assignment-matrix inversion which has complexity of O(2N)O(2^N) for NN-qubit mitigation of QuasiDistribution and expectation values.

  • Added the CorrelatedReadoutMitigator class for performing measurement readout error mitigation of correlated measurement errors. This class can be initialized with a single 2N×2N2^N \times 2^N measurement error assignment matrix that descirbes the error probabilities. Mitigation is implemented via inversion of assigment matrix which has mitigation complexity of O(4N)O(4^N) of QuasiDistribution and expectation values.

  • Added a QuasiDistribution.stddev_upper_bound attribute and a kwarg to the constructor of the QuasiDistribution class, which is used for storing standard errors in quasi-probability estimates. This is used by BaseReadoutMitigator classes to store the standard error in mitigated quasi probabilities.

  • Added a shots() method to qiskit.result.Counts to return the sum of all outcomes in the counts.

  • When running the Grover algorithm class if the optimal power is known and only a single circuit is run, the AmplificationProblem.is_good_state callback function is no longer required to be set and the Grover search will return the most likely bitstring. Generally, if the optimal power of the Grover operator is not known, the Grover algorithm checks different powers (i.e. iterations) and applies the is_good_state function to check whether a good bitstring has been measured. For example, you are now able to run something like:

    from qiskit.algorithms import Grover, AmplificationProblem
    from qiskit.providers.aer import AerSimulator
    from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
    # Fixed Grover power: 2.
    grover = Grover(iterations=2, quantum_instance=AerSimulator())
    # The ``is_good_state`` argument not required here since Grover search
    # will be run only once, with a power of 2.
    problem = AmplificationProblem(Statevector.from_label("111"))
    # Run Grover search and print the best measurement
    result = grover.amplify(problem)
    print(result.top_measurement)  # should print 111
  • Added method remove_cregs() to class DAGCircuit to support classical register removal.

  • Added method remove_clbits() to class DAGCircuit to support the removal of idle classical bits. Any classical registers referencing a removed bit are also removed.

  • Added a new method, replace_block_with_op(), to the DAGCircuit class. This method is used to replace a block of nodes in the DAG with a single operation. The canonical example is for the ConsolidateBlocks pass which replaces blocks of nodes with equivalent UnitaryGate nodes.

  • Added a new analysis transpiler pass, Collect1qRuns, to the qiskit.transpiler.passes module. This pass is used to find sequences of uninterrupted gates acting on a single qubit. It is similar to the Collect2qBlocks and CollectMultiQBlocks but optimized for single qubit runs instead of multiple qubit blocks.

  • Various transpilation internals now use new features in retworkx 0.10 when operating on the internal circuit representation. This can often result in speedups in calls to transpile of around 10-40%, with greater effects at higher optimization levels. See #6302 for more details.

  • The UnitarySynthesis transpiler pass in qiskit.transpiler.passes has a new kwarg in the constructor, min_qubits. When specified this can be set to an int value which is the minimum size UnitaryGate object to run the unitary synthesis on. If a UnitaryGate in a QuantumCircuit uses fewer qubits it will be skipped by that instance of the pass.

  • The Eigensolver and MinimumEigensolver interfaces now support the type Dict[str, Optional[OperatorBase]] for the aux_operators parameter in their respective compute_eigenvalues() and compute_minimum_eigenvalue() methods. In this case, the auxiliary eigenvalues are also stored in a dictionary under the same keys provided by the aux_operators dictionary. Keys that correspond to an operator that does not commute with the main operator are dropped.

  • The BasisTranslator, GateDirection, and CheckGateDirection transpiler passes have a new target kwarg in their constructors, which can be used to set a Target object as the target for the pass. If it is set it will be used instead of the target_basis (in the case of the BasisTranslator pass) or coupling_map (in the case of the GateDirection and CheckGateDirection passes) arguments.

  • Allow two transpiler stages in the QuantumInstance, one for parameterized circuits and a second one for bound circuits (i.e. no free parameters) only. If a quantum instance with passes for unbound and bound circuits is passed into a CircuitSampler, the sampler will attempt to apply the unbound pass once on the parameterized circuit, cache it, and only apply the bound pass for all future evaluations.

    This enables variational algorithms like the VQE to run a custom pass manager for parameterized circuits once and, additionally, another the transpiler again with a different custom pass manager on the bound circuits in each iteration. Being able to run different pass managers is important because not all passes support parameterized circuits (for example Optimize1qGatesDecomposition only works with bound circuit parameters).

    For example, this feature allows using the pulse-efficient CX decomposition in the VQE, as

    from qiskit.algorithms import VQE
    from qiskit.opflow import Z
    from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.equivalence_library import StandardEquivalenceLibrary as std_eqlib
    from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager, PassManagerConfig, CouplingMap
    from qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers import level_1_pass_manager
    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import (
        Collect2qBlocks, ConsolidateBlocks, Optimize1qGatesDecomposition,
        RZXCalibrationBuilderNoEcho, UnrollCustomDefinitions, BasisTranslator
    from qiskit.transpiler.passes.optimization.echo_rzx_weyl_decomposition import EchoRZXWeylDecomposition
    from qiskit.test.mock import FakeBelem
    from qiskit.utils import QuantumInstance
    # Replace by a real backend! If not ensure qiskit-aer is installed to simulate the backend
    backend = FakeBelem()
    # Build the pass manager for the parameterized circuit
    rzx_basis = ['rzx', 'rz', 'x', 'sx']
    coupling_map = CouplingMap(backend.configuration().coupling_map)
    config = PassManagerConfig(basis_gates=rzx_basis, coupling_map=coupling_map)
    pre = level_1_pass_manager(config)
    # Build a pass manager for the CX decomposition (works only on bound circuits)
    post = PassManager([
        # Consolidate consecutive two-qubit operations.
        ConsolidateBlocks(basis_gates=['rz', 'sx', 'x', 'rxx']),
        # Rewrite circuit in terms of Weyl-decomposed echoed RZX gates.
        # Attach scaled CR pulse schedules to the RZX gates.
        # Simplify single-qubit gates.
        UnrollCustomDefinitions(std_eqlib, rzx_basis),
        BasisTranslator(std_eqlib, rzx_basis),
    quantum_instance = QuantumInstance(backend, pass_manager=pre, bound_pass_manager=post)
    vqe = VQE(quantum_instance=quantum_instance)
    result = vqe.compute_minimum_eigenvalue(Z ^ Z)
  • Introduced a new unitary synthesis plugin interface which is used to enable using alternative synthesis techniques included in external packages seamlessly with the UnitarySynthesis transpiler pass. Users can select a plugin to use when calling transpile() by setting the unitary_synthesis_method kwarg to the plugin’s name. A full list of installed plugins can be found using the qiskit.transpiler.passes.synthesis.plugin.unitary_synthesis_plugin_names() function. For example, if you installed a package that includes a synthesis plugin named special_synth you could use it with:

    from qiskit import transpile
    transpile(qc, unitary_synthesis_method='special_synth', optimization_level=3)

    This will replace all uses of the UnitarySynthesis with the method included in the external package that exports the special_synth plugin.

    The plugin interface is built around setuptools entry points which enable packages external to Qiskit to advertise they include a synthesis plugin. For details on writing a new plugin refer to the qiskit.transpiler.passes.synthesis.plugin module documentation.

  • Added a new transpiler pass, VF2Layout. This pass models the layout allocation problem as a subgraph isomorphism problem and uses the VF2 algorithm implementation in rustworkx to find a perfect layout (a layout which would not require additional routing) if one exists. The functionality exposed by this new pass is very similar to exisiting CSPLayout but VF2Layout is significantly faster.

Known Issues

  • The "ket" convention in the "latex" drawer of Statevector.draw() is only valid for states comprising purely of qubits. If you are using states with some spaces of dimension greater than two, you should either pass convention="vector", or use a different drawer.

  • The OpenQASM 3 export capabilities are in a beta state, and some features of Qiskit Terra’s QuantumCircuit are not yet supported. In particular, you may see errors if you try to export custom subroutines with classical parameters, and there is no provision yet for exporting pulse-calibrated operations into OpenPulse.

  • When running the BasisTranslator in isolation with the target argument set to a Target object, where some single-qubit gates can only apply to non-overlapping sets of qubits, the output circuit might incorrectly include operations on a qubit that are not allowed by the Target. For example, if you ran:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, Parameter
    from qiskit.circuit.library import UGate, RZGate, XGate, SXGate, CXGate
    from qiskit.circuit.equivalence_library import SessionEquivalenceLibrary as sel
    from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager, Target, InstructionProperties
    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import BasisTranslator
    gmap = Target()
    # U gate in qubit 0.
    theta = Parameter('theta')
    phi = Parameter('phi')
    lam = Parameter('lambda')
    u_props = {
        (0,): InstructionProperties(duration=5.23e-8, error=0.00038115),
    gmap.add_instruction(UGate(theta, phi, lam), u_props)
    # Rz gate in qubit 1.
    phi = Parameter("phi")
    rz_props = {
        (1,): InstructionProperties(duration=0.0, error=0),
    gmap.add_instruction(RZGate(phi), rz_props)
    # X gate in qubit 1.
    x_props = {
        (1,): InstructionProperties(
            duration=3.5555555555555554e-08, error=0.00020056469709026198
    gmap.add_instruction(XGate(), x_props)
    # SX gate in qubit 1.
    sx_props = {
        (1,): InstructionProperties(
            duration=3.5555555555555554e-08, error=0.00020056469709026198
    gmap.add_instruction(SXGate(), sx_props)
    cx_props = {
        (0, 1): InstructionProperties(duration=5.23e-7, error=0.00098115),
        (1, 0): InstructionProperties(duration=4.52e-7, error=0.00132115),
    gmap.add_instruction(CXGate(), cx_props)
    bt_pass = BasisTranslator(sel, target_basis=None, target=gmap)
    qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
    qc.iswap(0, 1)
    output = bt_pass(qc)

    output will have RZGate and SXGate on qubit 0, even though this is forbidden. To correct this you can normally run the basis translator a second time (i.e. output = bt_pass(output) in the above example) to correct this. This should not affect the output of running the transpile() function and is only an issue if you run the pass by itself.

Upgrade Notes

  • Starting with this version, from qiskit import * will not import submodules, but only a selected list of objects. This might break existing code using from qiskit import * and referring to objects that are not part of the current namespace. As a reminder, import * is considered bad practice and it should not be used in production code. Qiskit sets __all__ in qiskit/ as a way to mitigate the effects of said bad practice. If your code raises name '<something>' is not defined, add from qiskit import <something> and try again.

  • The preset pass managers for optimization levels 0, 1, 2, and 3 which are generated by level_0_pass_manager(), level_1_pass_manager(), level_2_pass_manager(), and level_3_pass_manager() respectively will no longer unconditionally run the TimeUnitConversion. Previously, the preset pass managers would always run this pass regardless of the inputs to the transpiler and the circuit. Now this pass will only be run if a scheduling_method parameter is set or the circuit contains a Delay instruction and the instruction_durations parameter is set. This change was made in the interest of runtime performance as in some cases running transpile() on circuits with a large number of gates and no delays, timing, or scheduling being used the TimeUnitConversion could be the largest bottleneck in the transpilation.

  • The default method for BIPMapping is now balanced rather than depth. This new objective generally achieves a better result, as it factors in both the circuit depth and the gate error.

  • The sort_parameters_by_name of the VQE class has been removed, following its deprecation in Qiskit Terra 0.18. There is no alternative provided, as the new ordering of parameters is the more natural sort order.

  • The circuit drawers QuantumCircuit.draw() and circuit_drawer() with the latex option will now save their images in a format determined the file extension (if a file name is provided). Previously, they would always save in PNG format. They now raise ValueError if the image format is not known. This was done to make it easier to save the image in different formats.

  • The core dependency retworkx had its version requirement bumped to 0.10.1, up from 0.9. This enables several performance improvements across different transpilation passes.

  • The previously deprecated condition kwarg, which was deprecated as part of the 0.15.0 release, has been removed from DAGCircuit.apply_operation_back() and DAGCircuit.apply_operation_front(). Instead set the condition attribute on the Instruction instances being added to the DAGCircuit using Instruction.c_if().

  • The DAGCircuit.extend_back() method has been removed. It was originally deprecated in the 0.13.0 release. Instead you can use the DAGCircuit.compose() method which is more general and provides the same functionality.

  • The DAGCircuit.compose_back() method has been removed. It was originally deprecated in the 0.13.0 release. Instead you can use the DAGCircuit.compose() method which is more general and provides the same functionality.

  • The edge_map kwarg of the DAGCircuit method compose() has been removed. It was originally deprecated in the 0.14.0 release. The method takes a qubits and clbits kwargs to specify the positional order of bits to compose onto instead of using a dictionary mapping that edge_map previously provided.

  • The DAGCircuit.twoQ_gates() method has been removed. It was originally deprecated in the 0.13.0 release. Instead, DAGCircuit.two_qubit_ops() should be used.

  • The DAGCircuit.threeQ_or_more_gates() method has been removed. It was originally deprecated in the 0.13.0 release. Instead, DAGCircuit.multi_qubit_ops() method should be used.

  • Named access for the first positional argument for the constructor of the SingleQubitUnitary class with u has been removed. It was originally deprecated in the 0.14.0 release. Instead, the first positional argument can be set using the name unitary_matrix (or just set it positionally instead of by name).

  • Named access for the first positional argument for the QuantumCircuit method squ with u has been removed. It was originally deprecated in the 0.14.0 release. Instead the first positional argument can be set using the name unitary_matrix (or just set it positionally instead of by name).

  • The unused proc and nested_scope kwargs for the qasm() method of the QASM node classes in the qiskit.qasm.node module have been removed. They were originally deprecated in the 0.15.0 release.

  • The unused proc and nested_scope kwargs for the latex() method of the QASM node classes in the qiskit.qasm.node module have been removed. They were originally deprecated in the 0.15.0 release.

  • The unused proc and nested_scope kwargs for the real() method of the QASM node classes in the qiskit.qasm.node module have been removed. They were originally deprecated in the 0.15.0 release.

  • The output of Statevector.draw() when using "latex" output is now the new "ket" convention if plotting a state comprised purely of qubits. This was changed to make reading the output clearer, especially in educational contexts, because it shows the ket labels, and only displays the nonzero elements.

  • When running execute() with a BackendV1 backend the default values for the kwargs shots, max_credits, meas_level, meas_return and memory_slot_size will now be whatever the set default is on the target backend’s options attribute. Previously these defaults were set to match the default values when calling execute() with a legacy BaseBackend backend. For example:

    from qiskit.test.mock import FakeMumbai
    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
    qc.h(0), 1)
    backend = FakeMumbai()
    execute(qc, backend)

    will now run with 4096 shots. While in previous releases it would run with 1024.

  • The minimum supported version of Matplotlib has been raised from 2.1.0 to 3.3.0. You will now need to have Matplotlib 3.3.0 installed if you’re using Matplotlib-based visualization functions such as the 'mpl' backend for the circuit_drawer() function or the plot_bloch_vector() function. This was done for two reasons, the first is because recent versions of Matplotlib have deprecated the use of APIs around 3D visualizations that were compatible with older releases and second installing older versions of Matplotlib was becoming increasingly difficult as matplotlib’s upstream dependencies have caused incompatiblities that made testing moving forward more difficult.

  • The internal use of the random number generator in random_circuit() was adjusted, which will change the output from previous versions, even with a fixed seed. This was done to greatly improve the runtime scaling with the number of qubits being used. If you were depending on an identical output from a previous version it is recommended that you use qpy_serialization.dump() to save the random circuit generated with a previous version and instead of re-generating it with the new release, and instead just use qpy_serialization.load() to load that saved circuit.

  • The use of * (__mul__) for the dot() method and @ (__matmul__) for the compose() method of BaseOperator (which is the parent of all the operator classes in qiskit.quantum_info including classes like Operator and Pauli) is no longer supported. The use of these operators were previously deprecated in 0.17.0 release. Instead you should use the dot() and compose() methods directly, or the & operator (__and__) can be used for compose(). For example, if you were previously using the operator like:

    from qiskit.quantum_info import random_hermitian
    op_a = random_hermitian(4)
    op_b = random_hermitian(4)
    new_op = op_a @ op_b

    this should be changed to be:

    from qiskit.quantum_info import random_hermitian
    op_a = random_hermitian(4)
    op_b = random_hermitian(4)
    new_op = op_a.compose(op_b)


    new_op = op_a & op_b
  • Various methods of assigning parameters to operands of pulse program instructions have been removed, having been deprecated in Qiskit Terra 0.17. These include:

    • the assign() method of pulse.Instruction.
    • the assign() method of Channel, which is the base of AcquireChannel, SnapshotChannel, MemorySlot and RegisterSlot.
    • the assign() and assign_parameters() methods of ParametricPulse, which is the base of pulse.Gaussian, pulse.GaussianSquare, pulse.Drag and pulse.Constant.

    These parameters should be assigned from the pulse program (pulse.Schedule and pulse.ScheduleBlock) rather than operands of the pulse program instruction.

  • The flatten() method of pulse.Instruction and qiskit.pulse.Schedule has been removed and no longer exists as per the deprecation notice from Qiskit Terra 0.17. This transformation is defined as a standalone function in qiskit.pulse.transforms.canonicalization.flatten().

  • qiskit.pulse.interfaces.ScheduleComponent has been removed and no longer exists as per the deprecation notice from Qiskit Terra 0.15. No alternative class will be provided.

  • Legacy pulse drawer arguments have been removed from pulse.Waveform.draw(), Schedule.draw() and ScheduleBlock.draw() and no longer exist as per the deprecation notice from Qiskit Terra 0.16. Now these draw methods support only V2 pulse drawer arguments. See method documentations for details.

  • The qiskit.pulse.reschedule module has been removed and this import path no longer exist as per the deprecation notice from Qiskit Terra 0.14. Use qiskit.pulse.transforms instead.

  • A protected method Schedule._children() has been removed and replaced by a protected instance variable as per the deprecation notice from Qiskit Terra 0.17. This is now provided as a public attribute Schedule.children.

  • Timeslot relevant methods and properties have been removed and no longer exist in ScheduleBlock as per the deprecation notice from Qiskit Terra 0.17. Since this representation doesn’t have notion of instruction time t0, the timeslot information will be available after it is transformed to a Schedule. Corresponding attributes have been provided after this conversion, but they are no longer supported. The following attributes are removed:

    • timeslots
    • start_time
    • stop_time
    • ch_start_time
    • ch_stop_time
    • shift
    • insert
  • Alignment pulse schedule transforms have been removed and no longer exist as per the deprecation notice from Qiskit Terra 0.17. These transforms are integrated and implemented in the AlignmentKind context of the schedule block. The following explicit transform functions are removed:

    • qiskit.pulse.transforms.align_equispaced
    • qiskit.pulse.transforms.align_func
    • qiskit.pulse.transforms.align_left
    • qiskit.pulse.transforms.align_right
    • qiskit.pulse.transforms.align_sequential
  • Redundant pulse builder commands have been removed and no longer exist as per the deprecation notice from Qiskit Terra 0.17. pulse.builder.call_schedule and pulse.builder.call_circuit have been integrated into

  • An internal filter override that caused all Qiskit deprecation warnings to be displayed has been removed. This means that the behaviour will now revert to the standard Python behaviour for deprecations; you should only see a DeprecationWarning if it was triggered by code in the main script file, interpreter session or Jupyter notebook. The user will no longer be blamed with a warning if internal Qiskit functions call deprecated behaviour. If you write libraries, you should occasionally run with the default warning filters disabled, or have tests which always run with them disabled. See the Python documentation on warnings, and in particular the section on testing for deprecations for more information on how to do this.

  • Certain warnings used to be only issued once, even if triggered from multiple places. This behaviour has been removed, so it is possible that if you call deprecated functions, you may see more warnings than you did before. You should change any deprecated function calls to the suggested versions, because the deprecated forms will be removed in future Qiskit releases.

  • The deprecated qiskit.schemas module and the qiskit.validation module which build jsonschema validator from the schemas have been removed. This was deprecated in the 0.17.0 release and has been replaced with a dedicated repository for the IBM Quantum API payload schemas.

    If you were relying on the schema files previously packaged in qiskit.schemas or the validators built on them you should use that repository and create validators from the schema files it contains.

  • The functions qiskit.qobj.validate_qobj_against_schema and qiskit.qobj.common.validator along with the validate kwarg of the methods QasmQobj.to_dict(), PulseQobj.to_dict(), and Qobj.to_dict() have been removed. These were deprecated in the 0.17.0 release. If you were using these function you will have to manually build jsonschema validation functions for Qobj objects using the jsonschema files from the dedicated repository for the IBM Quantum API payload schemas.

  • The fastjsonschema and jsonschema packages are no longer in the requirements list for qiskit-terra. The internal use of jsonschema has been removed and they are no longer required to use qiskit-terra.

  • The exception raised by the assemble() function when invalid parameters are passed in for constructing a PulseQobj have changed from a SchemaValidationError to a QiskitError. This was necessary because the SchemaValidationError class was removed along with the rest of the deprecated qiskit.schemas and qiskit.validation. This also makes it more consistent with other error conditions from assemble() which were already raising a QiskitError.

  • The default routing pass and layout pass for transpiler optimization level 3 has changed to use SabreSwap and SabreLayout respectively. This was done to improve the quality of the output result, as using the sabre passes produces better results than using StochasticSwap and DenseLayout, which were used as the defaults in prior releases. This change will improve the quality of the results when running transpile() or execute() functions with the optimization_level kwarg set to 3. While this is generally an improvement, if you need to retain the previous behavior for any reason you can do this by explicitly setting the routing_method="stochastic" and layout_method="dense" when calling transpile() with optimization_level=3.

  • The return type of pauli_basis() will change from PauliTable to PauliList in a future release of Qiskit Terra. To immediately swap to the new behaviour, pass the keyword argument pauli_list=True.

  • The name attribute of the SingleQubitUnitary gate class has been changed from unitary to squ. This was necessary to avoid a conflict with the UnitaryGate class’s name which was also unitary since the 2 gates are not the same and don’t have the same implementation (and can’t be used interchangeably).

  • The minimum version of Symengine required for installing has been increased to 0.8.0. This was necessary to fix some issues with the handling of numpy.float16 and numpy.float32 values when running bind() to bind parameters in a ParameterExpression.

  • A new dependency stevedore has been added to the requirements list. This is required by qiskit-terra as it is used to build the unitary synthesis plugin interface.

Deprecation Notes

  • The gate attribute and initialization parameter of qiskit.transpiler.passes.Decompose is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Instead of this single gate, you should pass a list of gate names to the new parameter gates_to_decompose. This was done as the new form allows you to select more than one gate as a decomposition target, which is more flexible, and does not need to re-run the pass several times to decompose a set of gates.

  • There has been a significant transpiler pass reorganization regarding calibrations. The import paths:

    from qiskit.transpiler.passes.scheduling.calibration_creators import RZXCalibrationBuilder
    from qiskit.transpiler.passes.scheduling.calibration_creators import RZXCalibrationBuilderNoEcho

    are deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. The import path:

    from qiskit.transpiler.passes.scheduling.rzx_templates import rzx_templates

    is also deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. You should use the new import paths:

    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import RZXCalibrationBuilder
    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import RZXCalibrationBuilderNoEcho
    from qiskit.transpiler.passes.calibration.rzx_templates import rzx_templates
  • The DAGNode class is being deprecated as a standalone class and will be used in the future only as the parent class for DAGOpNode, DAGInNode, and DAGOutNode. As part of this deprecation, the following kwargs and associated attributes in DAGNode are also being deprecated: type, op, and wire.

  • For the constructor of the RZXCalibrationBuilder passing a backend either as the first positional argument or with the named backend kwarg is deprecated and will no longer work in a future release. Instead a InstructionScheduleMap should be passed directly to the instruction_schedule_map kwarg and a list of channel name lists for each qubit should be passed directly to qubit_channel_mapping. For example, if you were calling the pass like:

    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import RZXCalibrationBuilder
    from qiskit.test.mock import FakeMumbai
    backend = FakeMumbai()
    cal_pass = RZXCalibrationBuilder(backend)

    instead you should call it like:

    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import RZXCalibrationBuilder
    from qiskit.test.mock import FakeMumbai
    backend = FakeMumbai()
    inst_map = backend.defaults().instruction_schedule_map
    channel_map = self.backend.configuration().qubit_channel_mapping
    cal_pass = RZXCalibrationBuilder(

    This change is necessary because as a general rule backend objects are not pickle serializable and it would break when it was used with multiple processes inside of transpile() when compiling multiple circuits at once.

  • The label property of class MCMT and subclass MCMTVChain has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Consequently, the label kwarg on the constructor for both classes is also deprecated, along with the label kwarg of method MCMT.control(). Currently, the label property is used to name the controlled target when it is comprised of more than one target qubit, however, this was never intended to be user-specifiable, and can result in an incorrect MCMT gate if the name of a well-known operation is used. After deprecation, the label property will no longer be user-specifiable. However, you can get the generated name of the controlled target via[0][0]
  • The subgraph() method of the CouplingMap class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead the reduce() method should be used, which does the same thing except it preserves the node list order for the output CouplingMap (while subgraph() did not preserve list order).

  • Creating an instance of InstructionSet with the circuit_cregs keyword argument is deprecated. In general, these classes never need to be constructed by users (but are used internally), but should you need to, you should pass a callable as the resource_requester keyword argument. For example:

    from qiskit.circuit import Clbit, ClassicalRegister, InstructionSet
    from qiskit.circuit.exceptions import CircuitError
    def my_requester(bits, registers):
        bits_set = set(bits)
        bits_flat = tuple(bits)
        registers_set = set(registers)
        def requester(specifier):
            if isinstance(specifer, Clbit) and specifier in bits_set:
                return specifier
            if isinstance(specifer, ClassicalRegster) and specifier in register_set:
                return specifier
            if isinstance(specifier, int) and 0 <= specifier < len(bits_flat):
                return bits_flat[specifier]
            raise CircuitError(f"Unknown resource: {specifier}")
        return requester
    my_bits = [Clbit() for _ in [None]*5]
    my_registers = [ClassicalRegister(n) for n in range(3)]
    InstructionSet(resource_requester=my_requester(my_bits, my_registers))
  • The use of the measurement mitigation classes qiskit.ignis.mitigation.CompleteMeasFitter and qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredMeasFitter from qiskit-ignis as values for the measurement_error_mitigation_cls kwarg of the constructor for the QuantumInstance class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead the equivalent classes from qiskit.utils.mitigation, CompleteMeasFitter and TensoredMeasFitter should be used. This was necessary as the qiskit-ignis project is now deprecated and will no longer be supported in the near future. It’s worth noting that unlike the equivalent classes from qiskit-ignis the versions from qiskit.utils.mitigation are supported only in their use with QuantumInstance (i.e. as a class not an instance with the measurement_error_mitigation_cls kwarg) and not intended for standalone use.

  • The Optimizer.optimize() method for all the optimizers (Optimizer and derived classes) is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead, the Optimizer.minimize() method should be used which mimics the signature of SciPy’s minimize() function.

    To replace the current optimize call with minimize you can replace

    xopt, fopt, nfev = optimizer.optimize(


    result = optimizer.minimize(
    xopt, fopt, nfev = result.x,, result.nfev
  • Importing the qiskit.util module will now issue a DeprecationWarning. Users should instead import all the same functionality from qiskit.utils. The util module has been deprecated since Terra 0.17, but previously did not issue a warning. It will be removed in Terra 0.20.

  • The property table is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. This is because SparsePauliOp has been updated to internally use PauliList instead of PauliTable. This is in order to significantly improve performance. You should now access the PauliList data by using the SparsePauliOp.paulis attribute.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where many layout methods would ignore 3-or-more qubit gates, resulting in unexpected layout-allocation decisions. The transpiler pass Unroll3qOrMore is now being executed before the layout pass in all the preset pass managers when transpile() is called. Fixed #7156.

  • Disassembled circuits now inherit calibrations from assembled QasmQobj and experiments. Fixes #5348.

  • Fixed setting the ansatz or optimizer attributes of a VQE instance to None resulting in a buggy behavior. See #7093 for details.

  • Fixed addition of PauliLists with qargs. The method used to raise a runtime error if the operands had different numbers of qubits.

  • Fixed an issue causing an error when trying to compute a gradient with the CircuitGradient class for a gate that was not a supported gate. This bugfix transpiles a given gate to the set of supported gates for a requested gradient method. Fixes #6918.

  • Removed calibration results when using error mitigation with the execute() method of QuantumInstance. Fixes #7129.

  • Fixed a deprecation warning emitted when running QuantumCircuit.draw() or circuit_drawer() with Sympy 1.9 installed, mentioning the Sympy function expr_free_symbols(). The circuit drawers previously made use of this method when finding instances of symbolic constants.

  • Fixed an issue where the ax kwarg and the figwidth option in the style kwarg for the mpl circuit drawer did not scale properly. Users can now pass an ax from a Matplotlib subplot to the mpl circuit drawer and the circuit will be drawn within the boundaries of that subplot. Alternatively, users can set the figwidth in inches in the style dict kwarg and the drawing will scale to the width in inches that was set. Fixed #6367.

  • Fixed an issue with the circuit_drawer() function and draw() method of QuantumCircuit. When displaying a measure instruction targeted on a classical bit instead of a register, using the latex drawer option, the drawer would fail.

  • Fixed an issue with the circuit_drawer() function and draw() method of QuantumCircuit. With any of the 3 drawer options, mpl, latex, or text, if a gate with a classical condition was encountered that was conditioned on a classical bit without a register, the drawer would fail.

  • Fixed an issue with the circuit_drawer() function and draw() method of QuantumCircuit. With any of the 3 drawer options, mpl, latex, or text, if a gate with a classical condition was conditioned on the same classical bit as a measure and the bit that the measure targeted did not have a register, the drawer would fail.

  • C3SXGate now has a correct decomposition and matrix representation. Previously it was equivalent to SdgXGate().control(3), rather than the intended SXGate().control(3).

  • The member name of qiskit.test.mock.utils.ConfigurableFakeBackend has been changed to backend_name. This was done to avoid a conflict with the name() method inherited from the parent abstract BackendV1 class. This makes ConfigurableFakeBackend compatible with anything expecting a BackendV1 object. However, if you were using the name attribute directly before you will now need to either call it as a method or access the backend_name attribute instead.

  • Fixed an issue where calling QuantumCircuit.decompose() on a circuit containing an Instruction whose definition attribute was empty would leave the instruction in place, instead of decomposing it into zero operations. For example, with a circuit:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
    empty = QuantumCircuit(1, name="decompose me!")
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(1)
    circuit.append(empty.to_gate(), [0])

    Previously, calling circuit.decompose() would not change the circuit. Now, the decomposition will correct decompose empty into zero instructions. See #6997 for more.

  • Fixed an issue with the circuit_drawer() function and draw() method of QuantumCircuit. When displaying a measure instruction containing a classical condition using the mpl or latex options, the condition information would sometimes overwrite the measure display.

  • Fixed an issue with the circuit_drawer() function and draw() method of QuantumCircuit. The mpl drawer used hex notation to display the condition value, whereas the text and latex drawers used decimal notation. Now all three drawers use hex notation.

  • Fixed a bug in the Hoare optimizer transpilation pass where it could attempt to remove a gate twice if it could be separately combined with both its predecessor and its successor to form the identity. Refer to #7271 for more details.

  • Making an instruction conditional with the standard InstructionSet.c_if() method with integer indices is now consistent with the numbering scheme used by the QuantumCircuit the instructions are part of. Previously, if there were two ClassicalRegisters with overlapping Clbits, the numbering would be incorrect. See #7246 for more detail.

  • Making an instruction conditional with the standard InstructionSet.c_if() method will now succeed, even if there are no ClassicalRegisters in the circuit. See #7250 for more detail.

  • Making an instruction conditional with the standard InstructionSet.c_if() method when using a Clbit that is contained in a ClassicalRegister of size one will now correctly create a condition on the bit, not the register. See #7255 for more detail.

  • Trying to make an instruction conditional with the standard InstructionSet.c_if() method will now correctly raise an error if the classical resource is not present in the circuit. See #7255 for more detail.

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Matplotlib 3.5, where the Bloch sphere would fail to render if it had any vectors attached, such as by using plot_bloch_vector. See #7272 for more detail.

  • Fixed an issue with the NLocal.add_layer() method incorrectly appending layers if the NLocal object had already been built.

  • Fixed an issue with pickling InstructionScheduleMap object when using Python 3.6. See #6944 for details.

  • Complex valued pulse parameter assignment with symengine has been fixed. For example,

    from qiskit import circuit, pulse
    import numpy as np
    amp = circuit.Parameter("amp")
    phase = circuit.Parameter("phase")
    with as sched:, amp * np.exp(1j * phase), 40), pulse.DriveChannel(0))
    sched.assign_parameters({amp: 0.1, phase: 1.57}, inplace=True)

    The assigned amplitude has been shown as ParameterExpression(0.1*exp(1.57*I)) after the use of symengine was introduced in the 0.18.0 release. This is now correctly evaluated and shown as 7.96327e-05 + 0.0999999683j.

  • Fixed an issue where QAOA.construct_circuit() with different operators with same number of qubits would generate the same circuit each time. See #7223 for more detail.

  • Fixed an issue where QAOAAnsatz had an incorrect number of parameters if identities of PauliSumOp were given, e.g., PauliSumOp.from_list([("III", 1)]). See #7225 for more detail.

  • Fixed a bug where the QuantumCircuit.qasm() method could return OpenQASM 2 instructions with invalid identifiers. The same bug was fixed for UnitaryGate.

  • Fixed an issue where trying to display registerless bits would cause a failure of the mpl and the latex circuit drawers. A leading _ has been removed from the display of registerless bits’ numbers in the text drawer. Fixed #6732.

  • For one-bit registers, all of the circuit drawers now display only the register name and no longer show the 0 subscript. Fixed #5784.

  • Fixed naming collisions of implicit registers in QuantumCircuit.qasm when dealing with registerless qubits and clbits. Previously, registerless qubits and clbits were put into corresponding qreg and creg both called regless, despite the collision. They will now have separate, deterministically generated names, which will not clash with any user-defined register names in the circuit.

  • Fixed an issue in scheduling of circuits with clbits operations, e.g. measurements, conditional gates, updating ASAPSchedule, ALAPSchedule, and AlignMeasures. The updated schedulers assume all clbits I/O operations take no time, measure writes the measured value to a clbit at the end, and c_if reads the conditional value in clbit(s) at the beginning. Fixed #7006.

  • Calling transpile on an empty list will now correctly return an empty list without issuing a warning. Fixed #7287.

  • Fixed an issue in PiecewiseChebyshev when the function to be approximated was constant. In these cases, you should now pass the constant directly as the f_x argument, rather than using a function, such as:

    from qiskit.circuit.library.arithmetic import PiecewiseChebyshev
    PiecewiseChebyshev(1.0, degree=3)

    See #6707 for more details.

  • If an HHL algorithm instance was constructed without a QuantumInstance (the default), attempts to use the getter and setter properties to read or set an instance later would fail. The getters and setters now work as expected.

  • The QuantumCircuit.qasm() method now edits the names of copies of the instructions present in the circuit, not the original instructions that live in Refer to #6952 for more details.

  • Fixed a bug in PauliSumOp.permute() causing the error:

    QiskitError: 'Pauli string label "" is not valid.'

    if the permutation had the same number of Pauli terms. Calling permute([2, 1, 0]) on X ^ Y ^ Z no longer raises an error, and now returns Z ^ Y ^ X.

  • Fixed a bug where the parameter bounds for the mixer parameters in the QAOAAnsatz were not been set.

  • Fixed determination of final operations (barriers and measures) in pass RemoveFinalMeasurements and in method remove_final_measurements() of class QuantumCircuit which previously considered only nodes immediately preceding an output node.

  • Fixed determination of final operations in pass RemoveFinalMeasurements and in method remove_final_measurements() of class QuantumCircuit which could wrongly consider a barrier to be final, even if other circuit operations followed it.

  • Fixed multi-bit classical register removal in pass RemoveFinalMeasurements and in method remove_final_measurements() of class QuantumCircuit where classical registers were not removed even if other bits were idle, unless a final measure was done into each and every bit. Now, classical registers that become idle as a result of removing final measurements and barriers are always removed. Classical bits are removed if they are referenced only by removed registers or are not referenced at all and became idle due to the removal. This fix also adds proper handling of registers with shared underlying bits.

  • Fixed an issue with RemoveFinalMeasurements which could cause the resulting DAGCircuit to become invalid. See #7196 for more details.

  • Fixed an issue with method remove_final_measurements() of class QuantumCircuit that caused QuantumCircuit.clbits to be incorrect after invocation. Refer to #7089 for details.

  • When tapering an empty zero operator in qiskit.opflow, the code, on detecting it was zero, logged a warning and returned the original operator. Such operators are commonly found in the auxiliary operators, when using Qiskit Nature, and the above behavior caused VQE to throw an exception as tapered non-zero operators were a different number of qubits from the tapered zero operators (since taper has returned the input operator unchanged). The code will now correctly taper a zero operator such that the number of qubits is reduced as expected and matches to tapered non-zero operators e.g `0*"IIII"` when we are tapering by 3 qubits will become 0*"I".

  • Fixed an issue with the draw() method and circuit_drawer() function, where a custom style set via the user config file (i.e. settings.conf) would ignore the set value of the circuit_mpl_style field if the style kwarg on the function/method was not set.

Other Notes

  • The string cast for qiskit.circuit.ParameterExpression does not have full precision anymore. This removes the trailing 0s when printing parameters that are bound to floats. This has consequences for QASM serialization and the circuit text drawer:

    >>> from qiskit.circuit import Parameter
    >>> x = Parameter('x')
    >>> str(x.bind({x:0.5}))
    '0.5'   # instead of '0.500000000000000'
  • The QAOAAnsatz has been updated to use the parameter symbol γ for the cost operator and β for the mixer operator, as is the standard notation in QAOA literature.

Aer 0.9.1

No change

Ignis 0.7.0


This release deprecates the Qiskit Ignis project, it has been supersceded by the Qiskit Experiments project and active development has ceased. While deprecated, critical bug fixes and compatibility fixes will continue to be made to provide users a sufficient opportunity to migrate off of Ignis. After the deprecation period (which will be no shorter than 3 months from this release) the project will be retired and archived.

New Features

  • Updated the accreditation protocol to use fitting routine from AccreditationFitter now has methods FullAccreditation (previous protocol) and MeanAccreditation (new protocol). In addtition data entry has been changed to either use the result object AppendResult or a list of strings AppendStrings. qiskit.ignis.verification.QOTPCorrectString() was also added.

  • Added the option for the fast analytical generation of syndrome graphs. The RepetitionCode now has a new bool argument brute, which allows to still use the brute force method. Helper class RepetitionCodeSyndromeGenerator added to facilitate this.

  • The RepetitionCode now has keyword arguments resets and delay. The former determines whether reset gates are inserted after measurement. The latter allows a time (in dt) to be specificed for a delay after each measurement (and reset, if applicable).

    The syndrome_measurement() method of RepetitionCode now has keyword arguments final and delay. The former determines whether to add reset gates according to the global resets, or to overwrite it with appropriate behavior for the final round of syndrome measurements. The latter allows a time (in dt) to be specificed for a delay after each measurement (and reset, if applicable).

  • The RepetitionCode class now supports encoding with x basis states. This can be used by setting the xbasis keyword argument when constructing a RepetitionCode object.

Upgrade Notes

  • The keyword argument reset has been removed from the the syndrome_measurement() method of RepetitionCode. This is replaced by the global resets keyword argument for the class as well as the keyword argument final for syndrome_measurement. In cases where one would previously add the final measurement round using reset=False to avoid the final reset gates, one should now use final=True.

  • Remove ParametrizedSchedule from update_u_gates().

    ParametrizedSchedule was deprecated as a part of Qiskit-terra 0.17.0 and will be removed in next release. The function now updates u gates with Schedule programs involving unassigned Parameter objects.

Deprecation Notes

  • Deprecating methods in AccreditationFitter namely bound_variation_distance and single_protocol_run

  • The Qiskit Ignis project as a whole has been deprecated and the project will be retired and archived in the future. While deprecated only compatibility fixes and fixes for critical bugs will be made to the proejct. Instead of using Qiskit Ignis you should migrate to use Qiskit Experiments instead. You can refer to the migration guide:

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