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class LayerNoiseLearningOptions(*args, **kwargs)


Options for learning layer noise. This is only used by V2 Estimator.


These options are only used when the resilience level or options specify a technique that requires layer noise learning.


  • max_layers_to_learn – The max number of unique layers to learn. A None value indicates that there is no limit. If there are more unique layers present, then some layers will not be learned or mitigated. The learned layers are prioritized based on the number of times they occur in a set of run estimator PUBs, and for equally occurring layers are further sorted by the number of two-qubit gates in the layer. Default: 4.
  • shots_per_randomization – The total number of shots to use per random learning circuit. A learning circuit is a random circuit at a specific learning depth with a specific measurement basis that is executed on hardware. Default: 128.
  • num_randomizations – The number of random circuits to use per learning circuit configuration. A configuration is a measurement basis and depth setting. For example, if your experiment has six depths, and nine required measurement bases, then setting this value to 32 will result in a total of 32 * 9 * 6 circuits that need to be executed (at shots_per_randomization each). Default: 32.
  • layer_pair_depths – The circuit depths (measured in number of pairs) to use in learning experiments. Pairs are used as the unit because we exploit the order-2 nature of our entangling gates in the noise learning implementation. A value of 3 would correspond to 6 layers of the layer of interest, for example. Default: (0, 1, 2, 4, 16, 32).



Type: UnsetType | List[int]

Default value: Unset


Type: UnsetType | int | None

Default value: Unset


Type: UnsetType | int

Default value: Unset


Type: UnsetType | int

Default value: Unset


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