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class TwirlingOptions(*args, **kwargs)


Twirling options. This is only used by V2 primitives.


  • enable_gates – Whether to apply 2-qubit Clifford gate twirling. Default: False.

  • enable_measure – Whether to enable twirling of measurements. Twirling will only be applied to those measurement registers not involved within a conditional logic. Default: True for Estimator, false for Sampler.

  • num_randomizations

    The number of random samples to use when twirling or peforming sampled mitigation. If num_randomizations is “auto”, for every pub executed shots times:

    • If shots_per_randomization is also “auto”, shots_per_randomization is set first as described below, then num_randomizations is set as ceil(shots/shots_per_randomization), where ceil is the ceiling function.
    • Otherwise, the value is set to ceil(shots/shots_per_randomization).

    Default: “auto”.

  • shots_per_randomization

    The number of shots to run for each random sample. If “auto”, for every pub executed shots times:

    • If num_randomizations is also “auto”, the value is set to 64 for PEC mitigation or to max(64, ceil(shots / 32)) in all other cases, where ceil is the ceiling function.
    • Otherwise, the value is set to ceil(shots/num_randomizations).

    Default: “auto”.

  • strategy

    Specify the strategy of twirling qubits in identified layers of 2-qubit twirled gates. Allowed values are

    • If "active" only the instruction qubits in each individual twirled layer will be twirled.
    • If "active-circuit" the union of all instruction qubits in the circuit will be twirled in each twirled layer.
    • If "active-accum" the union of instructions qubits in the circuit up to the current twirled layer will be twirled in each individual twirled layer.
    • If "all" all qubits in the input circuit will be twirled in each twirled layer.

    Default: “active-accum”.



Type: UnsetType | bool

Default value: Unset


Type: UnsetType | bool

Default value: Unset


Type: UnsetType | int | Literal['auto']

Default value: Unset


Type: UnsetType | int | Literal['auto']

Default value: Unset


Type: UnsetType | Literal['active', 'active-accum', 'active-circuit', 'all']

Default value: Unset


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