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IBM Quantum Platform
Qiskit Transpiler Service is only available for IBM Quantum Premium Plan members.


class qiskit_ibm_transpiler.transpiler_service.TranspilerService(optimization_level, ai='true', coupling_map=None, backend_name=None, qiskit_transpile_options=None, ai_layout_mode=None, optimization_preferences=None, use_fractional_gates=False, **kwargs)


Bases: object

Class for using the transpiler service.


  • optimization_level (int) – The optimization level to use during the transpilation. There are 4 optimization levels ranging from 0 to 3, where 0 is intended for not performing any optimizations and 3 spends the most effort to optimize the circuit.
  • optimization_preferences (str |list[str], optional) – Describe your preferences with a value or a list of values when prioritizing optimization. Allowed options: noise, n_cnots, n_gates, cnot_layers, layers.
  • ai (str, optional) – Specifies if the transpilation should use AI or not, defaults to True.
  • coupling_map (list[list[int]], optional) – A list of pairs that represents physical links between qubits.
  • backend_name (str, optional) – Name of the backend used for doing the transpilation.
  • qiskit_transpile_options (dict, optional) – Other options to transpile with qiskit.
  • ai_layout_mode (str, optional) – Specifies how to handle the layout selection. There are 3 layout modes: keep (respects the layout set by the previous transpiler passes), improve (uses the layout set by the previous transpiler passes as a starting point) and optimize (ignores previous layout selections).
  • use_fractional_gates (bool) –

Initializes the instance.





Transpile the circuit(s) by calling the service /transpile endpoint.


circuits (List[QuantumCircuit] | QuantumCircuit) – circuit(s) to transpile.


The transpiled circuit(s)

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