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IBM Quantum Platform

Qiskit 0.36 release notes


Terra 0.20.2


Qiskit Terra 0.20.2 is a bugfix release, addressing some minor issues identified since the last patch release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with BackendV2-based fake backend classes from the qiskit.providers.fake_provider module such as FakeMontrealV2, where the values for the dtm and dt attributes and the associated attribute Target.dt would not be properly converted to seconds. This would cause issues when using these fake backends with scheduling. See #8018.

  • marginal_counts() will now succeed when asked to marginalize memory with an indices parameter containing non-zero elements. Previously, shots whose hexadecimal result representation was sufficiently small could raise a ValueError. See #8044.

  • The OpenQASM 3 exporter (qiskit.qasm3) will now output input or output declarations before gate declarations. This is more consistent with the current reference ANTLR grammar from the OpenQASM 3 team. See #7964.

  • Fixed a bug in the RZXCalibrationBuilder transpiler pass where the scaled cross-resonance pulse amplitude could appear to be parametrized even after assignment. This could cause the pulse visualization tools to use the parametrized format instead of the expected numeric one. See #8031.

  • Fixed an issue with the transpile() function when run with a BackendV2-based backend and setting the scheduling_method keyword argument. Previously, the function would not correctly process the default durations of the instructions supported by the backend which would lead to an error.

  • Fixed a bug in the RZXCalibrationBuilder transpiler pass that was causing pulses to sometimes be constructed with incorrect durations. See #7994.

  • The SabreSwap transpiler pass, used in transpile() when routing_method="sabre" is set, will no longer sporadically drop classically conditioned gates and their successors from circuits during the routing phase of transpilation. See #8040.

  • Statevector will now allow direct iteration through its values (such as for coefficient in statevector) and correctly report its length under len. Previously it would try and and access out-of-bounds data and raise a QiskitError. See #8039.

Aer 0.10.4

No change

Ignis 0.7.1


This is a bugfix release that primarily fixes a packaging issue that was causing the docs/ directory, which contains the source files used to build the qiskit-ignis documentation, to get included in the Python package.

IBM Q Provider 0.19.1

No change


Terra 0.20.1


Qiskit Terra 0.20.1 is a bugfix release resolving issues identified in release 0.20.0.

Known Issues

  • QPY deserialization with the qpy.load() function of a directly instantiated UCPauliRotGate object in a circuit will fail because the rotation axis argument to the class isn’t stored in a standard place. To workaround this you can instead use the subclasses: UCRXGate, UCRYGate, or UCRZGate (based on whether you’re using a rotation axis of "X", "Y", or "Z" respectively) which embeds the rotation axis in the class constructor and will work correctly in QPY.

  • Since its original introduction in Qiskit Terra 0.20, XXPlusYYGate has used a negative angle convention compared to all other rotation gates. In Qiskit Terra 0.21, this will be corrected to be consistent with the other rotation gates. This does not affect any other rotation gates, nor XXMinusYYGate.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Clifford, Pauli and CNOTDihedral operator initialization from compatible circuits that contain Delay instructions. These instructions are treated as identities when converting to operators.

  • Fixed an issue where the eval_observables() function would raise an error if its quantum_state argument was of type StateFn. eval_observables now correctly supports all input types denoted by its type hints.

  • Fixed an issue with the visualization function dag_drawer() and method DAGCircuit.draw() where previously the drawer would fail when attempting to generate a visualization for a DAGCircuit object that contained a Qubit or Clbit which wasn’t part of a QuantumRegister or ClassicalRegister. Fixed #7915.

  • Fixed parameter validation for class Drag. Previously, it was not sensitive to large beta values with negative signs, which may have resulted in waveform samples with a maximum value exceeding the amplitude limit of 1.0.

  • The QuantumInstance class used by many algorithms (like VQE) was hard-coding the value for a sleep while it looped waiting for the job status to be updated. It now respects the configured sleep value as set per the wait attribute in the initializer of QuantumInstance.

  • Fixed an issue with the schedule function where callers specifying a list of QuantumCircuit objects with a single entry would incorrectly be returned a single Schedule object instead of a list.

  • Fixed an issue with the plot_error_map visualization function which prevented it from working when run with a backend that had readout error defined in the provided backend’s BackendProperties or when running with a BackendV2 backend. Fixed #7879.

  • Fixed a bug that could result in exponential runtime and nontermination when a Pauli instance is given to method init_observables().

  • Fixed SabreSwap, and by extension transpile() with optimization_level=3, occasionally re-ordering measurements invalidly. Previously, if two measurements wrote to the same classical bit, SabreSwap could (depending on the coupling map) re-order them to produce a non-equivalent circuit. This behaviour was stochastic, so may not have appeared reliably. Fixed #7950

  • The SabreSwap transpiler pass, and by extension SabreLayout and transpile() at optimization_level=3, now has an escape mechanism to guarantee that it can never get stuck in an infinite loop. Certain inputs previously could, with a great amount of bad luck, get stuck in a stable local minimum of the search space and the pass would never make further progress. It will now force a series of swaps that allow the routing to continue if it detects it has not made progress recently. Fixed #7707.

  • Fixed an issue with QPY deserialization via the qpy.load() function of the UCRXGate, UCRYGate, and UCRZGate classes. Previously, a QPY file that contained any of these gates would error when trying to load the file. Fixed #7847.

Aer 0.10.4

No change

Ignis 0.7.0

No change

IBM Q Provider 0.19.1


Bug Fixes

  • PR #1129 updates least_busy() method to no longer support BaseBackend as a valid input or output type since it has been long deprecated in qiskit-terra and has recently been removed.


Terra 0.20.0

No change

Aer 0.10.4

Upgrade Notes

  • Qiskit Aer is no longer compiled with unsafe floating-point optimisations. While most of the effects should have been localised to Qiskit Aer, some aspects of subnormal handling may previously have been leaked into user code by the library incorrectly setting the “flush to zero” mode. This will not happen any more.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix cache blocking transpiler to recognize superop to be cache blocked. This is fix for issue 1479 <> now density_matrix with noise models can be parallelized. New test, test_noise.TestNoise.test_kraus_gate_noise_on_QFT_cache_blocking is added to verify this issue. Also this fix include fix for issue 1483 <> discovered by adding new test case. This fixes measure over chunks for statevector.

  • Fixes a bug in NoiseModel.from_backend() that raised an error when T2 value greater than 2 * T1 was supplied by the backend. After this fix, it becomes to truncate T2 value up to 2 * T1 and issue a user warning if truncates. The bug was introduced at #1391 and, before that, NoiseModel.from_backend() had truncated the T2 value up to 2 * T1 silently.

    See Issue 1464 for details.

  • device=Thrust was very slow for small number of qubits because OpenMP threading was always applied. This fix applies OpenMP threads as same as device=CPU by using statevector_parallel_threshold.

  • Qiskit Aer will no longer set the floating-point mode to “flush to zero” when loaded. Downstream users may previously have seen warnings from Numpy such as:

    The value of the smallest subnormal for <class ‘numpy.float64’> type is zero.

    These will now no longer be emitted, and the floating-point handling will be correct.

  • Fixed a potential issue with running simulations on circuits that have the QuantumCircuit.metadata attribute set. The metadata attribute can be any python dictionary and previously qiskit-aer would attempt to JSON serialize the contents of the attribute to process it with the rest of the rest of the circuit input, even if the contents were not JSON serializable. This no longer occurs as the QuantumCircuit.metadata attribute is not used to run the simulation so now the contents are no serialized and instead are directly attached to the qiskit.result.Result object without attempting to JSON serialize the contents. Fixed #1435

Ignis 0.7.0

No change

IBM Q Provider 0.19.0

New Features

  • The qiskit-ibmq-provider package now supports IBM Quantum LiveData features. These features allow users to observe the real-time behavior of IBM Quantum backends while executing jobs. Specifically, the provider now includes a new tab in the backend Jupyter-related widget and supports the execution of jobs (via method) with the live_data_enabled=True parameter in allowed IBM Quantum backends.
  • You can now specify a different logging level in the options keyword when submitting a Qiskit Runtime job with the method.

Upgrade Notes

  • Python 3.6 support has been dropped since it has reached end of life in Dec 2021.
  • qiskit.providers.ibmq.random, the random number service which was used to access the CQC randomness extractor is no longer supported and has been removed.

Deprecation Notes

  • The image keyword in the method is deprecated. You should instead specify the image to use in the options keyword.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes issue #190. Now qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.RuntimeEncoder and qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.RuntimeDecoder have been updated to handle instances of the Instruction class.
  • Fixes issue #74 where numpy ndarrays with object types could not be serialized. qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.RuntimeEncoder and qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.RuntimeDecoder have been updated to handle these ndarrays.
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