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IBM Quantum Platform

Get started with circuit cutting using gate cuts

This guide demonstrates two working examples of gate cuts with the qiskit-addon-cutting package. The first example shows how to reduce circuit depth (the number of circuit instructions) by cutting entangling gates on non-adjacent qubits that would otherwise incur a SWAP overhead when transpiled to hardware. The second example covers how to use gate cutting to reduce the circuit width (the number of qubits) by splitting a circuit into several circuits with fewer qubits.

Both examples will use the efficient_su2 ansatz and reconstructs the same observable.

Gate cutting to reduce circuit depth

The following workflow reduces a circuit's depth by cutting distant gates, avoiding a large series of SWAP gates that would otherwise be introduced.

Start with the efficient_su2 ansatz, with "circular" entanglement to introduce distant gates.

import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit.library import efficient_su2
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
from qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers import generate_preset_pass_manager
from qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider import FakeManilaV2
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import SamplerV2, Batch
from qiskit_aer.primitives import EstimatorV2
from qiskit_addon_cutting import (
circuit = efficient_su2(num_qubits=4, entanglement="circular")
circuit.assign_parameters([0.4] * len(circuit.parameters), inplace=True)
observable = SparsePauliOp(["ZZII", "IZZI", "-IIZZ", "XIXI", "ZIZZ", "IXIX"])
print(f"Observable: {observable}")
circuit.draw("mpl", scale=0.8)


Observable: SparsePauliOp(['ZZII', 'IZZI', 'IIZZ', 'XIXI', 'ZIZZ', 'IXIX'],
              coeffs=[ 1.+0.j,  1.+0.j, -1.+0.j,  1.+0.j,  1.+0.j,  1.+0.j])
Output from the previous code

Each of the CNOT gates between qubits q0q_0 and q3q_3 introduce two SWAP gates after transpilation (assuming the qubits are connected in a straight line). To avoid this increase in depth, you can replace these distant gates with TwoQubitQPDGates using the cut_gates() method. This function also returns a list of QPDBasis instances - one for each decomposition.

# Find the indices of the distant gates
cut_indices = [
    for i, instruction in enumerate(
    if {circuit.find_bit(q)[0] for q in instruction.qubits} == {0, 3}
# Decompose distant CNOTs into TwoQubitQPDGate instances
qpd_circuit, bases = cut_gates(circuit, cut_indices)
qpd_circuit.draw("mpl", scale=0.8)


Output from the previous code

Now that the cut gate instructions have been added, the subexperiments will have a smaller depth after transpilation than the original circuit. The code snippet below generates the subexperiments using the generate_cutting_experiments, which ingests the circuit and observable to reconstruct.

Note about the number of samples

The num_samples argument specifies how many samples to draw from the quasi-probability distribution and determines the accuracy of the coefficients used for the reconstruction. Passing infinity (np.inf) will ensure all coefficients are calculated exactly. Read the API docs on generating weights and generating cutting experiments for more information.

Once the subexperiments are generated, you can then transpile them and use the Sampler primitive to sample the distribution and reconstruct the estimated expectation values. The following code block generates, transpiles, and executes the subexperiments. It then reconstructs the results and compares them to the exact expectation value.

# Generate the subexperiments and sampling coefficients
subexperiments, coefficients = generate_cutting_experiments(
    circuits=qpd_circuit, observables=observable.paulis, num_samples=np.inf
# Set a backend to use and transpile the subexperiments
backend = FakeManilaV2()
pass_manager = generate_preset_pass_manager(
    optimization_level=1, backend=backend
isa_subexperiments =
# Set up the Qiskit Runtime Sampler primitive, submit the subexperiments, and retrieve the results
sampler = SamplerV2(backend)
job =, shots=4096 * 3)
results = job.result()
# Reconstruct the results
reconstructed_expval_terms = reconstruct_expectation_values(
# Apply the coefficients of the original observable
reconstructed_expval =, observable.coeffs)
estimator = EstimatorV2()
exact_expval = ([(circuit, observable, [0.4] * len(circuit.parameters))])
    f"Reconstructed expectation value: {np.real(np.round(reconstructed_expval, 8))}"
print(f"Exact expectation value: {np.round(exact_expval, 8)}")
    f"Error in estimation: {np.real(np.round(reconstructed_expval-exact_expval, 8))}"
    f"Relative error in estimation: {np.real(np.round((reconstructed_expval-exact_expval) / exact_expval, 8))}"


Reconstructed expectation value: 0.50201416
Exact expectation value: 0.50497603
Error in estimation: -0.00296187
Relative error in estimation: -0.00586537
Note about observable coefficients

To accurately reconstruct the expectation value, the coefficients of the original observable (which are different from the coefficients in the output of generate_cutting_experiments()) must be applied to the output of the reconstruction, since this information was lost when the cutting experiments were generated or when the observable was expanded.

Typically these coefficients can be applied through as shown above.

Gate cutting to reduce circuit width

This section demonstrates using gate cutting to reduce circuit width. Start with the same efficient_su2 but use "linear" entanglement.

qc = efficient_su2(4, entanglement="linear", reps=2)
qc.assign_parameters([0.4] * len(qc.parameters), inplace=True)
observable = SparsePauliOp(["ZZII", "IZZI", "-IIZZ", "XIXI", "ZIZZ", "IXIX"])
print(f"Observable: {observable}")
qc.draw("mpl", scale=0.8)


Observable: SparsePauliOp(['ZZII', 'IZZI', 'IIZZ', 'XIXI', 'ZIZZ', 'IXIX'],
              coeffs=[ 1.+0.j,  1.+0.j, -1.+0.j,  1.+0.j,  1.+0.j,  1.+0.j])
Output from the previous code

Then generate the subcircuits and subobservables you'll execute using the partition_problem() function. This function takes in the circuit, observable, and an optional partitioning scheme and returns the cut circuits and observables in the form of a dictionary.

The partitioning is defined by a label string of the form "AABB" where each label in this string corresponds to the qubit in the same index of the circuit argument. Qubits sharing a common partition label are grouped together, and any non-local gates that span more than one partition will be cut.


The observables kwarg to partition_problem is of type PauliList. Observable term coefficients and phases are ignored during decomposition of the problem and execution of the subexperiments. They may be re-applied during reconstruction of the expectation value.

partitioned_problem = partition_problem(
    circuit=qc, partition_labels="AABB", observables=observable.paulis
subcircuits = partitioned_problem.subcircuits
subobservables = partitioned_problem.subobservables
bases = partitioned_problem.bases
print(f"Sampling overhead: {[basis.overhead for basis in bases])}")
print(f"Subobservables: {subobservables}")
subcircuits["A"].draw("mpl", scale=0.8)


Sampling overhead: 81.0
Subobservables: {'A': PauliList(['II', 'ZI', 'ZZ', 'XI', 'ZZ', 'IX']), 'B': PauliList(['ZZ', 'IZ', 'II', 'XI', 'ZI', 'IX'])}
Output from the previous code
subcircuits["B"].draw("mpl", scale=0.8)


Output from the previous code

The next step is then to use the subcircuits and subobservables to generate the subexperiments to be executed on a QPU using the generate_cutting_experiments method.

To estimate the expectation value of the full-sized circuit, many subexperiments are generated from the decomposed gates' joint quasi-probability distribution and then executed on one or more QPUs. The number of samples to be taken from this distribution is controlled by the num_samples argument.

The following code block generates the subexperiments and executes them using the Sampler primitive on a local simulator. (To run these on a QPU, change the backend to your chosen QPU resource.)

subexperiments, coefficients = generate_cutting_experiments(
    circuits=subcircuits, observables=subobservables, num_samples=np.inf
# Set a backend to use and transpile the subexperiments
backend = FakeManilaV2()
pass_manager = generate_preset_pass_manager(
    optimization_level=1, backend=backend
isa_subexperiments = {
    for label, partition_subexpts in subexperiments.items()
# Submit each partition's subexperiments to the Qiskit Runtime Sampler
# primitive, in a single batch so that the jobs will run back-to-back.
with Batch(backend=backend) as batch:
    sampler = SamplerV2(mode=batch)
    jobs = {
        label:, shots=4096 * 3)
        for label, subsystem_subexpts in isa_subexperiments.items()
# Retrieve results
results = {label: job.result() for label, job in jobs.items()}

Lastly, the expectation value of the full circuit is reconstructed using the reconstruct_expectation_values method.

The code block below reconstructs the results and compares them with the exact expectation value.

# Get expectation values for each observable term
reconstructed_expval_terms = reconstruct_expectation_values(
# Reconstruct final expectation value
reconstructed_expval =, observable.coeffs)
estimator = EstimatorV2()
exact_expval = ([(qc, observable, [0.4] * len(qc.parameters))])
    f"Reconstructed expectation value: {np.real(np.round(reconstructed_expval, 8))}"
print(f"Exact expectation value: {np.round(exact_expval, 8)}")
    f"Error in estimation: {np.real(np.round(reconstructed_expval-exact_expval, 8))}"
    f"Relative error in estimation: {np.real(np.round((reconstructed_expval-exact_expval) / exact_expval, 8))}"


Reconstructed expectation value: 0.5725264
Exact expectation value: 0.56254612
Error in estimation: 0.00998027
Relative error in estimation: 0.01774125

Next steps

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