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IBM Quantum Platform

Use Qiskit Code Assistant in local mode

Learn how to install, configure, and use the Qiskit Code Assistant model on your local machine.

  • Qiskit Code Assistant is in preview release status and is subject to change.
  • If you have feedback or want to contact the developer team, use the Qiskit Slack Workspace channel or the related public GitHub repositories.

Download the Qiskit Code Assistant model

The Qiskit Code Assistant model is available in GGUF is a binary format that is designed for fast loading and saving of models, and for ease of reading. and can be downloaded from the Hugging Face Hub in one of two ways.

Download from the Hugging Face website

Follow these steps to download the Qiskit Code Assistant GGUF model from the Hugging Face website:

  1. Navigate to the granite-8b-qiskit model page
  2. Go to the Files and Versions tab and download the GGUF model
Download using the Hugging Face CLI

To download the granite-8b-qiskit GGUF model using the Hugging Face CLI, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Hugging Face CLI

  2. Log in to your Hugging Face account

    huggingface-cli login
  3. Download the granite-8b-qiskit GGUF model

    huggingface-cli download <HF REPO NAME> <GGUF PATH> --local-dir <LOCAL PATH>

Use the Qiskit Code Assistant model

There are multiple ways to deploy and interact with the downloaded granite-8b-qiskit GGUF model. This guide demonstrates using Ollama as follows: either with the Ollama application using the Hugging Face Hub integration or local model, or with the llama-cpp-python package.

Using the Ollama application

The Ollama application provides a simple solution to run the GGUF models locally. It is easy to use, with a CLI that makes the whole setup process, model management, and interaction fairly straightforward. It’s ideal for quick experimentation and for users that want fewer technical details to handle.

Install Ollama

  1. Download the Ollama application

  2. Install the downloaded file

  3. Launch the installed Ollama application

    The application is running successfully when the Ollama icon appears in the desktop menu bar. You can also verify the service is running by going to http://localhost:11434/.
  4. Try Ollama in your terminal and start running models. For example:

    ollama run granite3-dense:8b

Set up Ollama using the Hugging Face Hub integration

The Ollama/Hugging Face Hub integration provides a way to interact with GGUF models hosted on the Hugging Face Hub without needing to create a new modelfile nor manually downloading the GGUF file. A default template and params files are already included for the GGUF model on the Hugging Face Hub.

  1. Make sure the Ollama application is running.

  2. Go the granite-8b-qiskit GGUF model page, choose ollama from the Use this model dropdown.

  3. From your terminal, run the command:

    ollama run

Set up Ollama with the Qiskit Code Assistant GGUF model

If you have manually downloaded the GGUF model and you want to experiment with different templates and parameters you can follow these steps to load it into your local Ollama application.

  1. Create a Modelfile entering the following content and be sure to update <PATH-TO-GGUF-FILE> to the actual path of your downloaded model.

    TEMPLATE """{{ if .System }}
    {{ .System }}
    {{ end }}{{ if .Prompt }}Question:
    {{ .Prompt }}
    {{ end }}Answer:
    ```python{{ .Response }}
    PARAMETER stop "Question:"
    PARAMETER stop "Answer:"
    PARAMETER stop "System:"
    PARAMETER stop "```"
    PARAMETER temperature 0
    PARAMETER top_k 1
  2. Run the following command to create a custom model instance based on the Modelfile.

    ollama create granite-8b-qiskit -f ./path-to-model-file
    This process may take some time for Ollama to read the model file, initialize the model instance, and configure it according to the specifications provided.

Run the Qiskit Code Assistant model in Ollama

After the granite-8b-qiskit GGUF model has been set up in Ollama, run the following command to launch the model and interact with it in the terminal (in chat mode).

ollama run granite-8b-qiskit

Some useful commands:

  • ollama list - List models on your computer
  • ollama rm granite-8b-qiskit - Remove/delete the model
  • ollama show granite-8b-qiskit - Show model information
  • ollama stop granite-8b-qiskit - Stop a model that is currently running
  • ollama ps - List which models are currently loaded

Using the llama-cpp-python package

An alternative to the Ollama application is the llama-cpp-python package, which is a Python binding for llama.cpp. It gives you more control and flexibility to run the GGUF model locally, and is ideal for users who wish to integrate the local model in their workflows and Python applications.

  1. Install llama-cpp-python
  2. Interact with the model from within your application using llama_cpp. For example:
from llama_cpp import Llama
model_path = <PATH-TO-GGUF-FILE>
model = Llama(
        n_gpu_layers=37, # to offload in gpu, but put 0 if all in cpu
input = 'Generate a quantum circuit with 2 qubits'
raw_pred = model(input)["choices"][0]["text"]

You can also add text generation parameters to the model to customize the inference:

generation_kwargs = {
        "max_tokens": 512,
        "echo": False, # Echo the prompt in the output
        "top_k": 1
raw_pred = model(input, **generation_kwargs)["choices"][0]["text"]

Use the Qiskit Code Assistant extensions

Use the VS Code extension and JupyterLab extension for the Qiskit Code Assistant to prompt the locally deployed granite-8b-qiskit GGUF model. Once you have the Ollama application set up with the model, you can configure the extensions to connect to the local service.

Connect with the Qiskit Code Assistant VS Code extension

With the Qiskit Code Assistant VS Code extension, you can interact with the model and perform code completion while writing your code. This can work well for users looking for assistance writing Qiskit code for their Python applications.

  1. Install the Qiskit Code Assistant VS Code extension.
  2. In VS Code, go to the User Settings and set the Qiskit Code Assistant: Url to the URL of your local Ollama deployment (for example, http://localhost:11434).
  3. Reload VS Code by going to View > Command Palette... and selecting Developer: Reload Window.

The granite-8b-qiskit configured in Ollama should appear in the status bar and is then ready to use.

Connect with the Qiskit Code Assistant JupyterLab extension

With the Qiskit Code Assistant JupyterLab extension, you can interact with the model and perform code completion directly in your Jupyter Notebook. Users who predominantly work with Jupyter Notebooks can take advantage of this extension to further enhance their experience writing Qiskit code.

  1. Install the Qiskit Code Assistant JupyterLab extension.
  2. In JupyterLab, go to the Settings Editor and set the Qiskit Code Assistant Service API to the URL of your local Ollama deployment (for example, http://localhost:11434).

The granite-8b-qiskit configured in Ollama should appear in the status bar and is then ready to use.

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