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IBM Quantum Platform

This documentation is relevant to the new IBM Quantum® Platform. If you need the previous version, return to the IBM Quantum Platform Classic documentation.

Upgrade from the Open Plan

This guide is for entities who want to upgrade from the IBM Quantum® Open Plan to an IBM Cloud® Standard (Pay-As-You-Go) Plan. For instructions to set up a cloud account, set up a service instance, and work with users, follow these steps.

If you are an individual setting up the service for the first time or if you have been invited to an instance by an administrator, follow the steps in Install Qiskit instead.

Sign up for IBM Cloud

Skip this step if you already have an IBM Cloud account. Follow these steps to sign up for IBM Cloud:

  1. Go to the IBM Cloud registration page. Fill in the form and accept the terms.
  2. Verify your identity by providing the additional account information as required.

Next, create a Qiskit Runtime instance.

Optional: Upgrade your IBM Cloud account

Skip this if you already have an IBM Cloud account with a Pay-As-You-Go Plan. All new IBM Cloud accounts are set up with a Pay-As-You-Go Plan.

You must upgrade your IBM Cloud account in the following circumstances:

  • You have a Trial account.
  • You have a Lite account (deprecated) that you created before 25 October 2021.

After you upgrade, you can continue to use any instances that you created with your Lite account (deprecated). To upgrade to a Pay-As-You-Go account, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Manage > Account in the IBM Cloud console.
  2. Select Account settings, and click Add credit card.
  3. Enter your payment information and click Next to submit your information.
  4. After your payment information is processed, your account is upgraded, and you can explore and access the full IBM Cloud catalog.

Create a Qiskit Runtime instance

To create a Qiskit Runtime service instance, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Quantum instances and click Create instance at the top right.
  2. Complete the following on the creation page:
    • Select Standard Plan and specify a name for the instance.
    • If you have a promotional code, enter it in Apply promo code in the panel on the right and click Apply.
    • Accept the terms and click Create. You are redirected to the new instance's details page.

Set the maximum cost limit

If you successfully created a Qiskit Runtime instance in the previous step, you were redirected to the instance details page. Otherwise, open it by going to the Instances page, and clicking on the instance you created.

To set the maximum cost limit, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Edit in the Cost limits panel.
  2. In the Maximum total cost limit field, enter the maximum cost allowed in this instance, then click Save.

If the instance usage reaches this limit, any running jobs are canceled and the instance will not incur additional charges. See Manage costs for more information.

Manage users and access

Skip this step if you are an individual user setting up Qiskit Runtime for your own use. In these instructions, the owner of this account also administrates the Qiskit Runtime instances that the rest of the company's users will use. In more complex configurations, there could be more roles and many different ways to manage the users, as explained in Plan Qiskit Runtime for an organization.

As the account owner or administrator, you add the people in your organization to the IBM Cloud account and then assign them access permissions to use the Qiskit Runtime instance created in step 3.

To share a Qiskit Runtime instance with other users, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Manage > Access (IAM) in the IBM Cloud console.

  2. On the left panel in the Manage access section, click Access groups, then click Create on the right side.

  3. In the Create access group window that opens, add a name and description that represent the group of users that you will invite. For example, the company name. Click Create.

  4. In the access group just created, click the Access tab, then click Assign access at the top right.

  5. In the Create policy page that opens, define these elements:

    • Service - In the search field look for Qiskit Runtime and select it. Click Next.
    • Resources - Select Specific resources, and in the rest of the dropdowns, choose the following:
      • For Attribute type, select Service Instance.
      • For Operator, select string equals.
      • For Value, select the instance you created. Click Next.
    • Roles and actions - Select the following values:
      • For Service access, select one of the following:
        • Reader, if the user only needs to view (but not send) jobs.
        • Writer, if the user needs to send, update, and delete jobs.
        • Manager, if in addition to Writer and Reader actions, the user needs to update the instance max cost limit.
        • Your own custom role, defined on the Roles page. See Creating custom roles for instructions.
      • For Platform access, select Viewer.
    • Conditions (optional). Click Review.

    At the bottom, click Add. You should see the policy on the right panel. Click Assign at the bottom of the right panel. You have successfully created an access group.

  6. On the left panel in the Manage identities section, click Users. Then, at the top right click Invite users.

    • Enter the email addresses of your users separated by commas, spaces, or line breaks.
    • Select Access groups as the way to assign access.
    • In the access groups table, select the one you already created and click Add. You will see the Access summary on the right panel. Click Invite at the bottom of the Access summary panel.

Users will receive an email with an invitation to use this account with the access defined in step 3 for the shared instance. After they accept the invitation, they will see a new account in their account switcher at the top of any page on IBM Cloud. After selecting the new account, they will see the shared instance.

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