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IBM Quantum Platform

Error code registry


Error codeMessageSolution
1000API Internal errorRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
1002Error in the validation process of the jobCheck the Job, it is not valid to run on this backend.
1003Error in transpilation processCheck the Job, it is not valid to run on this backend.
1004The Backend is not availableUse another backend to run the job.
1005Basis gates not availableUse another backend with basis gates.
1006Error during call to converter microserviceRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
1007Backend not foundVerify that the correct backend name was specified. To view the backends you have access to, you can either view a list on the Compute resources page, or you can use the QiskitRuntimeService.backends() method.
1008Error during the validation process of a jobRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
1009Required backend information not foundUse another backend to run the job. To view the backends you have access to, you can either view a list on the Compute resources page, or you can use the QiskitRuntimeService.backends() method.
1010Error returned at backend levelRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
1011Error publishing job at the backend queueRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
1012The user reached the maximum number of jobs running concurrentlySplit the experiments into multiple jobs. See this example for help. The maximum number of experiments the backend supports can be found in its configuration values.
1101Qobj does not conform to the schemaVerify the Qobj for your job conforms to the Qobj schema.
1102The number of experiments in the Qobj is higher than the number of experiments supported by the backendSplit the experiments into multiple jobs. See this example for help. The maximum number of experiments the backend supports can be found in its configuration values.
1103The number of shots in the Qobj is higher than the number of shots supported by the backend.Use fewer shots. The maximum number of shots the backend supports can be found in its configuration values.
1104The Qobj requests memory measurement, but the backend does not support memory.Run the job on a backend that supports memory or don't request memory measurement. Whether a backend supports memory measurement can be found in its configuration values.
1105The number of qubits used in the Qobj is higher than the number of quantum registers defined in the Qobj.Correct your program and try again.
1106The Qobj uses gates that are not among the backend's basis gates.Correct your program and try again. Transpiling your program will convert high level gates to basis gates. The basis gates for a backend can be found in its configuration values.
1107The Qobj includes an instruction that assumes a coupling map that is different from the backend's coupling map.Correct your program and try again. Transpiling your program will map instructions to the correct qubits based on the backend's coupling map. The coupling map for a backend can be found in its configuration values.
1108The backend does not support open pulse.Run the job on a backend that supports open pulse. Whether a backend supports open pulse can be found in its configuration values.
1109The number of qubits used in the Qobj is more than the number of qubits supported by the backend.Run the job on a backend that supports sufficient number of qubits for the job. The number of qubits a backend supports can be found in its configuration values.
1200You are not authorized to perform this action.Try again or contact support.
1201Invalid credentials.Verify your credentials and try again.
1202Too many {} {} requests received: limit is {} per {}.Reduce request rate and try again.
1204{} exceeds the maximum number of tags than a job can have ({}={}).Remove some tags and try again.
1205{} exceeds the maximum number of characters a job tag can have ({}={}).Remove some characters from the tags and try again.
1206Invalid runtime parameter: should have both image name and tag, got {}.Pass image_name:tag.
1207Invalid log_level parameter: got {}.Should be one of critical, error, warning, info or debug.
1208Invalid job request body: {}.Check the JSON schema.
1209You are not authorized to specify runtime parameter: got {}.Contact support to get access.
1211Program not found.Make sure you use a valid program name, such as 'sampler' or 'estimator'. Qiskit Runtime no longer supports the '' interface. Refer to the `Migration guide <>` __ for instructions to migrate to the primitives.
1213Session time is less than job time.Pass session time greater than or equal to job time.
1214You are not authorized to run program {}.Contact support to get access.
1215You are not authorized to run program on backend {} or backend does not exist on this channel.Use a different backend that is available on the channel.
1216Backend {} not found.Use a different backend.
1217Session has been closed.Increase the session max_time` if possible, or keep session active by reducing the time between jobs. For details, see the `Session length guide.
1218Instance time limit exceeded {}.Contact instance administrator to increase limit.
1219Error authenticating user.Try again or contact support.
1220Error validating runtime image parameter.Try again or contact support.
1221Error reading job parameters.Try again or contact support.
1222Error retrieving program.Try again or contact support.
1224Error creating job.Try again or contact support.
1225Error retrieving cloud service plan.Try again or contact support.
1228No backends available in service plan.Try again or contact support.
1229Backend {} is not available.Try again or contact support.
1231Job with duplicate id already exists.Check that the provided id is unique or delete the job and try again.
1232The maximum number of execution lanes for backend {} has been reached.Delete completed jobs and/or wait for other clients to delete jobs.
1233The requested backend is currently reserved and cannot run jobs outside of the reservation.Try again later.
1234Cannot get results for a job in a non-terminal state.Try again when job has reached a terminal state.
1236Error calculating service instance time remaining.Try again or contact support.
1241Invalid CRN.Double-check the CRN on the instance page. If the specified CRN is correct, contact support.
1242Instance allocation is required for the plan type.Specify the instance allocation in seconds.
1243Service plan not found. Service Plan ID: {}Verify the service plan ID.
1244Backend not found in the service plan. Backend: {}, Service Plan ID: {}Verify the backend and service plan ID.
1245Error queueing job.Try again or contact support.
1248Account plan not found. Account ID: {}, Service Plan ID: {}Verify that the account and plan ID are correct.
1249Instance:{} Backend:{} is not included in your plan. Included backends are:{}Submit the job to a backend that is included in your plan.
1250Instance usage allocation:{} exceeded:{} for instance CRN:{}.Contact the instance administrator to increase the allocation.
1251Error preprocessing job.Try again or contact support.
1253Invalid service instance request parameters.Verify that the request included the right parameter types.
1254Invalid put account request: {}.Use the information in the `Accounts API guide <>` to try again, or contact support.
1263Failed to unmarshal Broker API parameters: {}Ensure the request fields and data types are correct, or contact support for assistance.
1278Zero instance limit invalid {}.Choose a value greater than zero.
1279Instance {} not found.Use a different instance CRN.
1280Error binding instance configuration update to JSON: {}.Try again or contact support.
1281New instance limit must exceed existing instance usage: {}.Choose a larger instance limit or contact support.
1283Unable to retrieve jobs.Try again or contact support.
1285Unable to retrieve jobs tags.Try again or contact support.
1287Unable to retrieve jobs.Try again or contact support.
1289Instance {} was deleted.Use a different instance.
1290Instance usage allocation specified is not valid for instance CRN: {}.Specify a valid instance usage allocation or contact support.
1291Job not found. Job ID: {}Verify the job ID is correct and that you have the correct access permissions.
1299A job in a terminated state cannot be cancelled.There is no solution available for this issue.
1300Invalid request.Fix and try again.
1302Job {} cancelled due to timeout {} in payload queue.Try again or contact support.
1304Job {} exceeded the max_execution_time of {} seconds.Try increasing max_execution_time and resubmit.
1305Ran too longIncrease max execution time or contact support.
1306Job is not cancellable.Try again or contact support.
1307Internal error cancelling job.Try again or contact support.
1310Region {} of region type {} could not be found for IBM Cloud Object StorageCheck the region and region type provided in the request.
1311Object {} could not be found in IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket {}Check the bucket and object metadata provided in the request and ensure the object exists.
1312Could not access object {} in bucket {} via action {}Check that an authorization policy granting ObjectWriter and/or ContentReader exists between the quantum-computing instance (source) and the cloud-object-storage bucket (target)
1316Sandbox container for custom image did not reach running state: {}Ensure you have pushed your custom image to the proper container registry repository or contact Qiskit Runtime team.
1317Job {} cancelled due to compilation timeout {}.Try again or contact support.
1319Job was out of sync and in an unexpected stateTry again or contact support
1320Max execution time limit exceeded for program {}.Lower requested maximum execution time.
1322Session not found. Session ID: {}Verify the session ID is correct, and that you have the correct access permissions.
1323Internal server errorTry again or contact support.
1324Invalid session update request body: {}.Try again or contact support.
1327Location of request origin is disallowed.Contact support for more information.
1328Invalid session active time: {}.Provide a valid active time.
1329Invalid session time: {}.Provide a valid session time by using the Session length information.
1330Channel strategy specified is not supported on passed service instance CRN.Try changing service instance CRN or channel strategy.
1331Channel strategy parameter is no longer supported.Send the request again without the channel strategy parameter. If you previously used Q-CTRL performance management strategy, consider the following options: (Existing IBM Quantum Premium Plan users) Migrate to the Q-CTRL Performance Management Function, or continue using Qiskit Runtime with IBM Cloud by leveraging Q-CTRL Fire Opal.
1332Invalid create session request body: {}.Use the information in the Session API guide to try again, or contact support.
1333Invalid session limits error: {}.Fix the session time limits by using the Session length information and try again.
1334Invalid session interactive time: {}.Provide a valid session interactive time.
1335Invalid session execution mode: {}.Specify the session execution mode correctly. For instructions, see the REST API documentation.
1336Program runtime ran out of memory: {}.Make your program smaller. For example, reduce the number of instructions or split the job into multiple jobs to reduce the number of circuits. See this example for help. See Job limits to learn more.
1337Deleting a job in a non-terminal state is not possible.Postpone job deletion until job is in a terminal state.
1338Error preparing job.Try again or contact support.
1339Error serving request without account ID information.Specify the account ID and try again.
1341Object {} could not be found in IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket {}Check the bucket and object metadata provided in the request and ensure the object exists.
1342Could not access object {} in bucket {} via action {}Check that an authorization policy granting ObjectWriter and/or ContentReader exists between the quantum-computing instance (source) and the cloud-object-storage bucket (target)
1343Bad request error when trying to {} {} object with pre-signed URLCheck the pre-signed URL and ensure that it is valid.
1344Forbidden error when trying to {} {} object with pre-signed URLCheck the pre-signed URL and ensure that it is valid.
1345Object not found when trying to {} {} with pre-signed URLCheck the pre-signed URL and ensure that it is valid.
1346Q-Ctrl service instances are no longer supported.Try changing service instance CRN
1347Invalid authorization token format received.Please, ensure the token is correctly formatted and of the expected type.
1348Invalid CRN format. The CRN must have the expected number of fields.Check the CRN and try again.
1349Missing required HTTP header(s) in the request.Please check the API documentation to ensure all necessary headers are included.
1350The requested operation is not allowed: {}Verify your permissions and ensure the operation is allowed for the role or action attributed to the subject.
1351Invalid HTTP header content in the request.Please check the API documentation to ensure all necessary headers are correctly included.
1352You are not authorized to run a session when using plan ID {}.Create an instance of a different plan type or use a different execution mode.
1500Unknown error.Try again or contact support.
1501Mismatch between the number of qubits and observables.Verify the observables correctly correspond to the qubits. See Primitives examples for help.
1503Mismatch between the number of circuits and parameters.Verify the parameters correctly correspond to the circuits. See Primitives examples for help.
1506QASM parsing failed.Pass valid OpenQASM strings that can be imported into Qiskit. See Introduction to OpenQASM for information on OpenQASM and how to import it into Qiskit.
1507Unsupported resilience level.Use a resilience level supported by the Qiskit Runtime primitives. See the `Available options table <`__ for details.
1513The specified primitive version is not supported.Use a supported version of the primitive. See the Qiskit Runtime release notes for information about what is supported.
1514The option is not supported with this version of the primitives.Use the correct options for the primitive being used. See the Specify options documentation for information.
1515The primitive inputs are not valid.For information about the correct primitive input, see Get started with primitives.
1516There was an error while transpiling the circuits.Verify the input circuits and the transpilation options. See the Transpilation documentation for help.
1517Circuits do not match the target definition (non-ISA circuits).Transpile your circuits for the target before submitting a primitive query. Refer to Primitives examples for code examples.
1518There was a problem validating the options.Ensure the options are specified correctly and retry. To learn more, see the Specify options documentation.
1519One or more circuits contain fractional gates, which cannot be used with the given options or other circuit instructions.If your job contains dynamic circuits, or if the PEC, PEA, or gate twirling option is selected, then make sure to remove all fractional gates from the circuits. If you are using qiskit-ibm-runtime version 0.24.0 or higher, you can use the new use_fractional_gates keyword when retrieving a backend instance. When set to False, this returns a backend that does not have fractional gates in its target and therefore ensures the transpiler would not unroll any gates to fractional gates.
1520Circuits or PUBs exceed one or more system limits.Split the circuits or PUBs into multiple jobs. See Run jobs in a batch for an example.
1521Incompatible circuits and/or options specified: {}.See Options compatibility for features that are incompatible with each other.
1522Dynamic circuits used in a V2 Estimator job.V2 Estimator does not support dynamic circuits. Remove control flow operations or convert the job to use V2 Sampler instead.
1523Pulse gates are no longer supported.See Migrate from Qiskit Pulse to fractional gates for instructions on how to migrate to fractional gates.
1530ZNE failed.Try again or contact support.
1531Invalid noise factors passed to the ZNE extrapolator.Pass a correct list of noise factors.
1532Invalid ZNE noise amplifier.Pass a valid ZNE noise amplifier.
1533Invalid ZNE extrapolator.Pass a valid ZNE extrapolator.
1536PEC failedTry again or contact support.
1537Missing or invalid coupling map used. Coupling maps are mandatory when running jobs on simulators for Estimator V1 with resilience level 3.Pass a coupling map in the correct format.
1550Something went wrong in a primitive implementation.Please contact support or try again.
1551Custom calibration pulse gates are not supported with dynamic circuits.Remove all custom pulse gates from the circuit.
1553Parametric instructions other than RZ gates are not supported with dynamic circuitsReparametrize your circuit in terms of ISA parametric gates, or bind it locally.
1600Circuit deserialization error.Fix the input circuit or contact support.
1700Invalid input parameters (messages may vary).Try again or contact Q-Ctrl support.
1749Internal channel strategy, such as a Q-Ctrl error (messages may vary).Try again or contact Q-Ctrl support.
1800Unknown error.Try again or contact support.
1801Job has failed.Try again or contact support.
1802Timed out waiting for job to finish.Try again or contact support.
1803Backend does not support circuits with pulse gatesRemove pulse gates or choose a different backend.
1804Unexpected program input parameter {}.Remove the unexpected program input parameter and retry. For more information, see Primitive inputs and outputs.


Error codeMessageSolution
2000Backend not available for this actionCheck the backend name, maybe it is wrong.
2001Backend not available for bookingUse another backend to book a time slot.
2002Backend not available for this actionUse another backend.
2100Invalid URL to Upload to BluemixRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2200A booking already existsSelect another date to book.
2201Booking data is not validCheck the booking data, maybe it is wrong.
2202Cannot cancel bookingCheck the booking to cancel.
2203Provider does not have enough remaining time to bookUse another provider to book or contact your Group Administrator.
2204User already has a booking on that timeSelect another date to book.
2205Booking not foundCheck the booking data, maybe it is wrong.
2206Booking on calibration timeSelect another date to book.
2304OpenQASM 3 parsing failureCheck the source file and feature table for supported OpenQASM 3 features.
2309Code not foundCheck the code data, maybe it is wrong.
2400Error wrong data receivedRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2403Missing data in HTTP requestCheck your request to the endpoint.
2405Error saving new dataRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2407Authentication requiredTry to log in again.
2409ForbiddenYou don't have authority to perform the action.
2410Service not accesibleYou don't have authority to perform the action.
2411Operation not availableYou don't have authority to perform the action.
2412Error retrieving data from databaseRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2602System not allowedTry to use another backend.
2603Error getting topology attributesRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2604Error getting topology queuesRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2614Topology without kind establishedTry to use another backend. Contact an IBM Quantum administrator.
2615The system is not availableTry to use another backend.
2618Basis gates not availableTry to use another backend.
2620System not foundTry to use another backend.
2622Properties not foundTry to use another backend.
2900An error occur getting the hubRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2901Error checking hub or group administratorsRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2902Error checking systems in the HubRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2903Hub info not foundRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2905Invalid parameters to configure for bookingRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2906Invalid priority valueChange the priority Value.
2907System not available for HubUse another backend.
2908Error checking user in the HubRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
2909Group not foundUse another Group.
2910Hub not foundUse another Hub.
2911Invalid Hub/Group/ProjectUse another provider.
2912Invalid mode to configure for bookingUse another mode to book a backend.
2913Project not foundUse another project.
2914This hub is not allowed to view analyticsUse another hub.


Error codeMessageSolution
3200Backend not validTry to use another backend.
3202Cannot get presigned download urlRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3203Cannot get presigned upload urlRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3207Job access not allowedAccess another job.
3208Job not cancelledRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3209Job not runningCheck if the action makes sense.
3211Job not validCheck the Job sent, maybe it is wrong.
3212Job not validatedRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3213Job status not validRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3214Job transition not validRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3215Job without code identificatorCheck the Job sent, maybe it is wrong.
3216Limit not validChange the limit sent into the request.
3220Payload not validChange the body sent into the request. Maybe its format is wrong.
3228Q-Object-External-Storage property is not allowed in this backendSend the content of the Job inside of the body.
3229QASM no longer acceptedUse Q-Object format.
3233The job can't be createdRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3236The job is emptyCheck the job sent. Maybe it is empty.
3245The queue is disabledTry to use another backend.
3246The queue is unavailableTry to use another backend.
3248Your job is too longReduce the content of the job.
3250Job not foundCheck the job ID to query. It is wrong.
3251Job not uploaded to object storageRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3254The job is not in queueCheck the status of the job.
3255Invalid share levelUpdate the share level.
3259Not recoverable error during the job execution, please try againRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3265Input type not allowed by deviceTry to use another backend.
3300Can not download job dataRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3400License not foundAccept the license.
3402API key not foundRegenerate the API Token.
3410Error deleting user relationsRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3418Failed to create the token for the userRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3422Old password is incorrectCheck your old password. It is wrong.
3423Passwords do not matchCheck the password. It is wrong.
3440Authentication is required to perform that actionTry to log in again.
3443Failed to check loginRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3444License required. You need to accept the LicenseAccept the license.
3445Login with some authorized provider requiredLogin using IBM ID.
3446Login failedTry to login again.
3453The license is requiredAccept the License.
3458Reached maximum number ({{limit}}) of concurrent jobsWait until some previous jobs were finished. You can cancel pending jobs to run new jobs.
3459User is blocked by wrong passwordWait 5 minutes, then log in again.
3460User is blockedContact an IBM Quantum Administrator.
3467Failed to create or renew API tokenRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3468Failed to get API tokenRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3500Body is wrongCheck the body of the request.
3704Error to get status from QueueRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3900Empty response from the stats micro-serviceRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3905Invalid input to the stats micro-serviceEnsure your query is correct.
3909Missing mandatory user stats infoEnsure your query is correct.
3911Stats micro-service is not availableRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3913Analytics stats not foundRetry the action. If it happens again, contact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
3914Project level does not support aggregated analytics statsTry to use another project.


Error codeMessageSolution
4000Session is not accepting jobs.Do not change the session to no longer accept jobs before all jobs are created.
4001Job is part of a session that’s been closedDo not close the session before all jobs in it are completed
4002Job belongs to a service instance that has been deletedNone. The instance no longer exists and the remaining jobs were canceled.
4003Session closed, running jobs canceledIf the session has been closed due to instance limit, contact your instance administrator to increase the limit or reduce the time between submitting subsequent jobs in a session.
4007Job is a legacy qobj job not supported on the target backend.None. Only runtime jobs are supported on the target backend.
4300Unable to retrieve jobs tags.Try again or contact support.
4301Unable to retrieve jobs.Try again or contact support.
4303Unable to retrieve job tags.Try again or contact support.
4305Unable to count jobs.Try again or contact support.
4308Error creating job.Try again or contact support.
4314Internal error syncing job.Try again or contact support.
4315Job not found. Job ID: {}Verify the job ID is correct, and that you have the correct access permissions.
4316Job access forbidden. Job ID: {}.Try again or contact support.
4317Open Plan Usage Limit Exceeded. Job ID: {}.You have exceeded your monthly quota. Learn more about your current plan and explore upgrade options at
4318Session not found. Session ID: {}Verify the session ID is correct, and that you have the correct access permissions.
4319You are not authorized to access programs.Programs are no longer supported. Contact support for more information.
4320You are not authorized to create assistant code.Contact support for more information.
4399Backend parameter needs to be a simulator: got {}.Use a simulator backend.
4500Number of qubits {} in {} is greater than maximum {} in the coupling_mapReduce the number of qubits used in the circuit to fit the device.
4549Transpilation failed.


Error codeMessageSolution
5201Job timed out after {} secondsReduce the complexity of the job, or number of shots.
5202Job was canceledNone. Job was canceled.
5203Failed to run jobTry to run the job again.
5302Failed to publish job: maximum payload exceededReduce the number of shots (< 10K) and stitch the results together.


Error codeMessageSolution
6000Too many shots given ({} > {})Reduce the requested number of shots. See the Specify options guide for help.
6001Too few shots given ({} < {})Increase the requested number of shots. See the Specify options guide for help.
6002Too many experiments given ({} > {})Reduce the number of experiments. See the run_experiment API documentation for help.
6003Too few experiments given ({} < {})Submit at least one circuit. See the run_experiment API documentation for help.
6004Compiled OpenQASM 3 program with ID {} does not existSubmit an OpenQASM 3 program to be compiled via backend.compile().
6116Control system resources exceeded.Reduce the size of your job. This might include reducing the circuit depth, number of circuits, amount of waveform memory consumed, or the amount of control flow in your program. Review Guides such as Dynamic circuits and Classical feedforward and control flow for help. See Job limits to learn more.
6117An unsupported operation on a target was usedCheck the device's coupling map and basis gates for supported operations.
6118Unsupported OpenQASM 3 inputThe input source is not supported by the backend. Remove the functionality reported in the error message. See the OpenQASM 3 feature table for supported operations.
6318Invalid `CompilerOptions.ReturnType`. QCF compilers currently only support level 2.Use `meas_level` 2.


Error codeMessageSolution
7000Instruction not in basis gates: instruction: {}, qubits: {}, params: {}Instruction not supported by backend. Remove the instruction shown in the error message. Alternatively, convert the input to conform to the backend's Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). See Hello World for an example.
7001Instruction {} is not supportedRemove the instruction shown in the error message. Alternatively, convert the input to conform to the backend's Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). See Hello World for an example.
7003qubits: {} and classical bits: {} do not have equal lengthsDefine as many classical bits as the number of qubits. See the Measure qubits guide for more information.
7004Qubit measured multiple times in circuitRemove multiple measurements on qubits. See Measure qubits for more information.
7005Error in supplied instructionVerify that the instructions are correct.
7006Qubit measurement not the final instructionCannot perform any instruction on a measured qubit. Remove all instructions following a measurement. See the Measure qubits guide for more information.


Error codeMessageSolution
8001qubits {} in measurement are not mappedAssign qubits to a classical memory slot. See the Measure qubits guide for more information.
8002Total samples exceeds the maximum number of samples for channel {}. ({} > {})Reduce number of samples below specified limit.
8003Total pulses exceeds the maximum number of pulses for channel: {}, ({} > {})Reduce number of pulses below specified limit.
8004Channel: {}{} is not availableMust use available drive channels. There should be one `DriveChannel`` for each qubit and one ``MeasureChannel`` for each qubit. Use ```backend.control_channel`` to enumerate the ControlChannel.
8006Gate {} in line {} is not understood ({})This instruction is not supported. Make sure that the gate name is correct. Review the Circuit Library for allowed gates.
8007Qasm gate not understood: {}This instruction is not understood. See the documentation about basis gates and native gates.
8008Unconnected QubitsCheck the topology diagram for this system (go to the Compute resources page and click the system) and make sure the qubits are connected.
8009Measurement level is not supportedThe given measurement level is not supported on this backend. Change it to 0-2 except the measurement level specified.
8011Pulse experiments are not supported on this systemPulse experiment is not supported on this backend. Use a backend that supports pulse to run this experiment.
8013This backend does not support conditional pulsesConditionals are not supported on this backend. Remove the conditional instruction in your program.
8014Reset instructions are not supportedReset instructions are not supported at this time for this backend. Remove the reset instruction.
8016Pulse {} has too few samples ({} < {})Add more samples. See the Pulse API documentation for help.
8017Pulse not a multiple of {} cyclesDue to hardware limitations, pulses must be a multiple of a given number of samples. Change the total number of samples in the pulse instructions to be a multiple of the value returned. See the Pulse API documentation.
8018Waveform memory exceeds the maximum amount of memory currently availableReduce the number of unique waveforms and/or their length. During pulse sweeps, such as in waveform calibrations, utilize parametric pulses with varying amplitudes to efficiently reuse waveform memory. Less memory is available for measurement channels. See the Waveform API documentation.
8019For channel {}{}, Final channel time exceeds max time ({} > {})Reduce the total length of pulse sequence on the specified channel. See the Pulse API documentation for help.
8020Sequence exceeded maximum allowable circuit lengthCircuit too long; reduce length of circuit. See the Pulse API documentation for help.
8021Acquires have durations of different lengthSet acquire operations to have the same length. See the Pulse API documentation for help.
8022Pulse {} has too many samples ({} > {})Reduce the number of samples in the specified pulse. See the Pulse API documentation for help.
8023{0} {1} is an invalid entry. {0} should be a nonnegative integerMake the entry a positive integer.
8024At most one acquire command is currently supported per acquistion channelUse only one acquire command per channel.
8026Supplied qubits ({0}) in acquire are not validFix the qubits specified in the acquire command.
8027Channel specified: {} is not availableChannel does not exist on system. See the Channel API documentation for information.
8029Repetition time ({0}) not supportedRepetition time must be changed to a supported value. See the PulseBackendConfiguration API documentation.
8030Repetition delay ({0}) not supportedThe delay is not supported. See the PulseBackendConfiguration API documentation.
8031Submitted job is too longReduce the length of the job. See the Waveform API documentation.
8033Qobj "type" not provided in "config"Add type to qobj['config'].
8035Instruction "{0}" at timestep {1}dt overlaps with instruction "{2}" at timestep {3}dt on channel "{4}"Two instructions cannot be played at the same time on a channel.
8036All measure(circuit) and acquire(pulse) instructions must align to a 16 sample boundary. Measurements may be impacted by delays that have durations that are not a multiple of 16Due to hardware limitations, measure and acquire instructions must occur at 16 sample multiples. See the measure API reference and acquire API reference for information.
8037ESP readout is not enabled on this deviceSet use_measure_esp=False` or remove from run options.
8038A timing error occurred during execution of the input circuits.Try increasing the rep_delay value or reducing the number of measurements/resets within your circuits.
8039A combination of pulses on the logical channels is exceeding the hardware output due to internal usage of hardware output.Try lowering the amplitude of your input pulses. See the Pulse API documentation.
8040It is likely you requested acquisitions to be stored into memory slots without configuring your program with those memory slots.Check your classical register sizes.
8041The norm of one of the requested waveforms exceeded 1.0 for some samples. Decrease the waveform amplitude and try again.Lower the amplitudes of the input pulses. See the Waveform API documentation.
8042Invalid pulse parameters for one of the waveforms. Check the amplitude limits and type constraintsVerify the pulse input parameters. See the Pulse API documentation.
8043Delays must be a multiple of {0} samplesEnsure the pulse duration parameter is valid.
8044Number of samples is less than the minimum pulse duration of {0} samplesVerify that the duration of all pulses meets or exceeds the minimum pulse duration. If necessary and possible, consider zero-padding the start/end of very short pulses such that they meet or exceed the minimum duration. See the Pulse API documentation.
8045A buffer overflow occurred during result collection.Reduce the number of shots or measurements, or increase the rep_delay.
8047A pulse scheduling conflict occurred.Increase the lengths of any short pulses, insert more delay between them, or both. For instructions, see Build pulse schedules.
8048A pulse or combination of simultaneous pulses exceeded the available DAC amplitude range.Reduce the amplitudes of any large or overlapping pulses, compensating by making them longer if needed. See the Pulse API documentation for more information.
8055Job payload being loaded is too large.Reduce the length of the program data being loaded by breaking your job into multiple jobs. See Job limits to learn more.


Error codeMessageSolution
9605Failed to load program into HAL componentMake your program smaller. For example, reduce the number of instructions or split the job into multiple jobs to reduce the number of circuits. See this example for help. See Job limits to learn more.
9614classical register has length {} but attempted to save into the {} indexEnsure the intended classical register is correct and available.
9615No classical reg for the measure on circuit {}Ensure the classical register exists.
9999Internal errorContact IBM Quantum via Slack for help.
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