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IBM Quantum Platform

View analytics


This documentation is relevant to the new IBM Quantum® Platform. If you need the previous version, return to the IBM Quantum Platform Classic documentation.

  1. To view analytics for your account, first ensure you have the correct account and region selected in the account switcher in the top header.
  2. Select Administration in the left-hand menu to access the administration panel.
  3. The Analytics tab opens by default. The data displayed includes a summary of workloads and their usage, usage by instance, usage by QPU, and activity by user.

Filter results

In the Filters card, you can adjust the time range and specify other filters on the data, such as which resource groups, instances, compute resources, and users are displayed.

Click the refresh icon in the top-right corner of the card to clear all filters.

Download data

To download data, first ensure the filters are set for the data you want to collect. Click the download icon in the top-right corner of the Summary card. The following csv files will download in one compressed file: usage-by-date, usage-by-quantum-computer, usage-by-user, and usage.

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