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IBM Quantum Platform

Manage IBM Cloud users


This documentation is relevant to the new IBM Quantum® Platform. If you need the previous version, return to the IBM Quantum Platform Classic documentation.

This guide demonstrates how to use IBM Cloud® to enable users who have IBM Cloud accounts and gives instructions for users to access the environment.

To manage ID provider users instead, follow the instructions in one of these topics:


Follow these high-level steps to manage IBM Cloud users:

  1. Ensure that the users that you want to invite have IBM Cloud accounts.
  2. Go to IAM and invite users

    Users cannot be managed until they accept the invitation and log in at least once.

  3. Optional: Modify users' project assignments and access groups from IAM.

User flow

  1. The user accepts an invitation, then logs on through the IBM Cloud portal.
  2. The user creates an API key by going to (Manage → Access (IAM) → API keys).
  3. For further information, users can review Install Qiskit.

Example scenario

This example creates the following setup:

  • There are two projects, ml and finance.
    • The ml project should have access to the service instances QR-ml and QR-common.
    • The finance project should have access to the service instances QR-finance and QR-common.
  • There are three users:
    • Fatima should have access to the ml project.
    • Ravi should have access to the finance project.
    • Amyra should have access to both projects.
  • It uses access groups without resource groups.
  • Users are defined in IBM Cloud and project assignments are done there as well.
  • Users should be able to delete jobs.

The steps to implement this setup are:

  1. The Cloud administrator creates three service instances: QR-ml, QR finance, and QR-common.
  2. The Cloud administrator creates a custom rule that includes the quantum-computing.job.delete action.
  3. The Cloud administrator creates two access groups:
    • The ml access group can access QR-ml and QR-common.
    • The finance access group can access QR-finance and QR-common.
  4. The Cloud administrator invites cloud users to the appropriate project. Specifically, they invite and assign users to an access group that includes the project.
    • Fatima is added to the "ml" access group.
    • Ravi is added to the "finance" access group.
    • Amyra is added to both the "ml" and "finance" access groups.
  5. Users can log in through the IBM Cloud portal, create API keys, and work with their projects' service instances.

Next steps

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