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IBM Quantum Platform

Qiskit 0.44 release notes

Version history

This is the final release in which qiskit was a “meta-package”, which contained several different “elements”. What is called “Qiskit Terra” within this (and earlier) release notes is principally what is now just called “Qiskit”.

This table tracks the meta-package versions and the version of each legacy Qiskit element installed:

Qiskit Metapackage Versionqiskit-terraqiskit-aerqiskit-ignisqiskit-ibmq-providerqiskit-aquaRelease Date

For the 0.7.0, 0.7.1, and 0.7.2 meta-package releases the meta-package versioning strategy was not formalized yet.


Terra 0.25.1


Qiskit Terra 0.25.1 is a bugfix release, addressing some issues identified since the 0.25.1 release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in QPY serialization (qiskit.qpy) where multiple controlled custom gates in a circuit could result in an invalid QPY file that could not be parsed. Fixed #9746.

  • Fixed #9363. by labeling the non-registerless synthesis in the order that Tweedledum returns. For example, compare this example before and after the fix:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction import BooleanExpression
    boolean_exp = BooleanExpression.from_dimacs_file("simple_v3_c2.cnf")
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(boolean_exp.num_qubits)
    circuit.append(boolean_exp, range(boolean_exp.num_qubits))
    from qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction import classical_function
    from qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.types import Int1
    def grover_oracle(a: Int1, b: Int1, c: Int1) -> Int1:
        return (a and b and not c)
    quantum_circuit = grover_oracle.synth(registerless=False)

    Which would print

         Before             After
         c: ──■──           a: ──■──
              │                  │
         b: ──■──           b: ──■──
              │                  │
         a: ──o──           c: ──o──
            ┌─┴─┐              ┌─┴─┐
    return: ┤ X ├      return: ┤ X ├
            └───┘              └───┘
  • Fixed plot_state_paulivec(), which previously damped the state coefficients by a factor of 2n2^n, where nn is the number of qubits. Now the bar graph correctly displays the coefficients as Tr(σρ)\mathrm{Tr}(\sigma\rho), where ρ\rho is the state to be plotted and σ\sigma iterates over all possible tensor products of single-qubit Paulis.

  • Angles in the OpenQASM 2 exporter (QuantumCircuit.qasm()) will now always include a decimal point, for example in the case of 1.e-5. This is required by a strict interpretation of the floating-point-literal specification in OpenQASM 2. Qiskit’s OpenQASM 2 parser (qasm2.load() and loads()) is more permissive by default, and will allow 1e-5 without the decimal point unless in strict mode.

  • The setter for SparsePauliOp.paulis will now correctly reject attempts to set the attribute with incorrectly shaped data, rather than silently allowing an invalid object to be created. See #10384.

  • Fixed a performance regression in the SabreLayout and SabreSwap transpiler passes. Fixed #10650


This release officially marks the end of support for the Qiskit IBMQ Provider package and the removal of Qiskit Aer from the Qiskit metapackage. After this release the metapackage only contains Qiskit Terra, so this is the final release we will refer to the Qiskit metapackage and Qiskit Terra as separate things. Starting in the next release Qiskit 0.45.0 the Qiskit package will just be what was previously Qiskit Terra and there will no longer be a separation between them.

If you’re still using the qiskit-ibmq-provider package it has now been retired and is no longer supported. You should follow the links to the migration guides in the README for the package on how to switch over to the new replacement packages qiskit-ibm-provider, qiskit-ibm-runtime, and qiskit-ibm-experiment:

The Qiskit Aer project is still active and maintained moving forward it is just no longer included as part of the qiskit package. To continue using qiskit-aer you will need to explicitly install qiskit-aer and import the package from qiskit_aer.

As this is the final release of the Qiskit metapackage the following setuptools extras used to install optional dependencies will no longer work in the next release Qiskit 0.45.0:

  • nature
  • machine-learning
  • finance
  • optimization
  • experiments

If you’re using the extras to install any packages you should migrate to using the packages directly instead of the extra. For example if you were using pip install qiskit[experiments] previously you should switch to pip install qiskit qiskit-experiments to install both packages. Similarly the all extra (what gets installed via pip install "qiskit[all]") will no longer include these packages in Qiskit 0.45.0.

Terra 0.25.0


The Qiskit Terra 0.25.0 release highlights are:

  • Control-flow operations are now supported through the transpiler at all optimization levels, including levels 2 and 3 (e.g. calling transpile() or generate_preset_pass_manager() with keyword argument optimization_level specified as 2 or 3 is now supported).

  • The fields IfElseOp.condition, WhileLoopOp.condition and can now be instances of the new runtime classical-expression type expr.Expr. This is distinct from ParameterExpression because it is evaluated at runtime for backends that support such operations.

    These new expressions have significantly more power than the old two-tuple form of supplying classical conditions. For example, one can now represent equality constraints between two different classical registers, or the logic “or” of two classical bits. These two examples would look like:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister
    from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
    qr = QuantumRegister(4)
    cr1 = ClassicalRegister(2)
    cr2 = ClassicalRegister(2)
    qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr1, cr2)
    qc.h(0), 1)
    qc.h(2), 3)
    qc.measure([0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3])
    # If the two registers are equal to each other.
    with qc.if_test(expr.equal(cr1, cr2)):
    # While either of two bits are set.
    with qc.while_loop(expr.logic_or(cr1[0], cr1[1])):
      qc.measure([0, 1], cr1)

    For more examples, see the documentation for qiskit.circuit.classical.

    This feature is new for both Qiskit and the available quantum hardware that Qiskit works with. As the features are still being developed there are likely to be places where there are unexpected edge cases that will need some time to be worked out. If you encounter any issue around classical expression support or usage please open an issue with Qiskit or your hardware vendor.

    In this initial release, Qiskit has added the operations:

    These can act on Python integer and Boolean literals, or on ClassicalRegister and Clbit instances.

    All these classical expressions are fully supported through the Qiskit transpiler stack, through QPY serialisation (qiskit.qpy) and for export to OpenQASM 3 (qiskit.qasm3). Import from OpenQASM 3 is currently managed by a separate package (which is re-exposed via qiskit.qasm3), which we hope will be extended to match the new features in Qiskit.

  • The qiskit.algorithms module has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It has been superseded by a new standalone library qiskit-algorithms which can be found on PyPi or on Github here:

    The qiskit.algorithms module will continue to work as before and bug fixes will be made to it until its future removal, but active development of new features has moved to the new package. If you’re relying on qiskit.algorithms you should update your Python requirements to also include qiskit-algorithms and update the imports from qiskit.algorithms to qiskit_algorithms. Please note that this new package does not include already deprecated algorithms code, including opflow and QuantumInstance-based algorithms. If you have not yet migrated from QuantumInstance-based to primitives-based algorithms, you should follow the migration guidelines in The decision to migrate the algorithms module to a separate package was made to clarify the purpose Qiskit and make a distinction between the tools and libraries built on top of it.

Qiskit Terra 0.25 has dropped support for Python 3.7 following deprecation warnings started in Qiskit Terra 0.23. This is consistent with Python 3.7’s end-of-life on the 27th of June, 2023. To continue using Qiskit, you must upgrade to a more recent version of Python.

New Features

  • The following features have been added in this release.
Transpiler Features
  • Added two new options to BlockCollector.

    The first new option split_layers allows collected blocks to be split into sub-blocks over disjoint qubit subsets, i.e. into depth-1 sub-blocks.

    The second new option collect_from_back allows blocks to be greedily collected starting from the outputs of the circuit. This is important in combination with ALAP-scheduling passes where we may prefer to put gates in the later rather than earlier blocks.

  • Added new options split_layers and collect_from_back to CollectLinearFunctions and CollectCliffords transpiler passes.

    When split_layers is True, the collected blocks are split into into sub-blocks over disjoint qubit subsets, i.e. into depth-1 sub-blocks. Consider the following example:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import CollectLinearFunctions
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(5), 2), 4), 0), 3)
    circuit.swap(3, 2)
    circuit.swap(4, 1)
    # Collect all linear gates, without splitting into layers
    qct = CollectLinearFunctions(split_blocks=False, min_block_size=1, split_layers=False)(circuit)
    assert qct.count_ops()["linear_function"] == 1
    # Collect all linear gates, with splitting into layers
    qct = CollectLinearFunctions(split_blocks=False, min_block_size=1, split_layers=True)(circuit)
    assert qct.count_ops()["linear_function"] == 4

    The original circuit is linear. When collecting linear gates without splitting into layers, we should end up with a single linear function. However, when collecting linear gates and splitting into layers, we should end up with 4 linear functions.

    When collect_from_back is True, the blocks are greedily collected from the outputs towards the inputs of the circuit. Consider the following example:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit.transpiler.passes import CollectLinearFunctions
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(3), 2), 0)
    circuit.swap(1, 2)
    # This combines the CX(1, 2) and CX(1, 0) gates into a single linear function
    qct = CollectLinearFunctions(collect_from_back=False)(circuit)
    # This combines the CX(1, 0) and SWAP(1, 2) gates into a single linear function
    qct = CollectLinearFunctions(collect_from_back=True)(circuit)

    The original circuit contains a Hadamard gate, so that the CX(1, 0) gate can be combined either with CX(1, 2) or with SWAP(1, 2), but not with both. When collect_from_back is False, the linear blocks are greedily collected from the start of the circuit, and thus CX(1, 0) is combined with CX(1, 2). When collect_from_back is True, the linear blocks are greedily collected from the end of the circuit, and thus CX(1, 0) is combined with SWAP(1, 2).

  • Added DAGCircuit.classical_predecessors() and DAGCircuit.classical_successors(), an alternative to selecting classical wires that doesn’t require accessing the inner graph of a DAG node directly. The following example illustrates the new functionality:

    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
    from qiskit.converters import circuit_to_dag
    from qiskit.circuit.library import RZGate
    q = QuantumRegister(3, 'q')
    c = ClassicalRegister(3, 'c')
    circ = QuantumCircuit(q, c)
    circ.h(q[0])[0], q[1])
    circ.measure(q[0], c[0])
    circ.rz(0.5, q[1]).c_if(c, 2)
    circ.measure(q[1], c[0])
    dag = circuit_to_dag(circ)
    rz_node = dag.op_nodes(RZGate)[0]
    # Contains the "measure" on clbit 0, and the "wire start" nodes for clbits 1 and 2.
    classical_predecessors = list(dag.classical_predecessors(rz_node))
    # Contains the "measure" on clbit 0, and the "wire end" nodes for clbits 1 and 2.
    classical_successors = list(dag.classical_successors(rz_node))
  • Enabled support for ControlFlowOp operations in the CommutativeCancellation pass. Previously, the blocks in control flow operations were skipped by this pass.

  • Enabled support for ControlFlowOp operations in the ConsolidateBlocks pass.

  • Added DAGCircuit.quantum_causal_cone() to obtain the causal cone of a qubit in a DAGCircuit. The following example shows its correct usage:

    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
    from qiskit.circuit.library import CXGate, CZGate
    from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
    # Build a DAGCircuit
    dag = DAGCircuit()
    qreg = QuantumRegister(5)
    creg = ClassicalRegister(5)
    dag.apply_operation_back(CXGate(), qreg[[1, 2]], [])
    dag.apply_operation_back(CXGate(), qreg[[0, 3]], [])
    dag.apply_operation_back(CZGate(), qreg[[1, 4]], [])
    dag.apply_operation_back(CZGate(), qreg[[2, 4]], [])
    dag.apply_operation_back(CXGate(), qreg[[3, 4]], [])
    # Get the causal cone of qubit at index 0
    result = dag.quantum_causal_cone(qreg[0])
  • A new method find_bit() has been added to the DAGCircuit class, which returns the bit locations of the given Qubit or Clbit as a tuple of the positional index of the bit within the circuit and a list of tuples which locate the bit in the circuit’s registers.

  • The transpiler’s built-in EquivalenceLibrary (qiskit.circuit.equivalence_library.SessionEquivalenceLibrary) has been taught the circular Pauli relations X=iYZX = iYZ, Y=iZXY = iZX and Z=iXYZ = iXY. This should make transpiling to constrained, and potentially incomplete, basis sets more reliable. See #10293 for more detail.

  • Control-flow operations are now supported through the transpiler at all optimization levels, including levels 2 and 3 (e.g. calling transpile() or generate_preset_pass_manager() with keyword argument optimization_level=3).

  • DAGCircuit.substitute_node() gained a propagate_condition keyword argument that is analogous to the same argument in substitute_node_with_dag(). Setting this to False opts out of the legacy behaviour of copying a condition on the node onto the new op that is replacing it.

    This option is ignored for general control-flow operations, which will never propagate their condition, nor accept a condition from another node.

  • Introduced a new method, DAGCircuit.separable_circuits(), which returns a list of DAGCircuit objects, one for each set of connected qubits which have no gates connecting them to another set.

    Each DAGCircuit instance returned by this method will contain the same number of clbits as self. This method will not return DAGCircuit instances consisting solely of clbits.

  • Added the attribute Target.concurrent_measurements which represents a hardware constraint of qubits measured concurrently. This constraint is provided in a nested list form, in which each element represents a qubit group to be measured together. In an example below:

    [[0, 1], [2, 3, 4]]

    qubits 0 and 1, and 2, 3 and 4 are measured together on the device. This constraint doesn’t block measuring an individual qubit, but you may need to consider the alignment of measure operations for these qubits when working with the Qiskit Pulse scheduler and when authoring new transpiler passes that are timing-aware (i.e. passes that perform scheduling).

  • The transpiler pass SetLayout can now be constructed with a list of integers that represent the physical qubits on which the quantum circuit will be mapped on. That is, the first qubit in the circuit will be allocated to the physical qubit in position zero of the list, and so on.

  • The transpiler’s built-in EquivalenceLibrary has been taught more Pauli-rotation equivalences between the one-qubit RXR_X, RYR_Y and RZR_Z gates, and between the two-qubit RXXR_{XX}, RYYR_{YY} and RZZR_{ZZ} gates. This should make simple basis translations more reliable, especially circuits that use YY rotations. See #7332.

  • Control-flow operations are now supported by the Sabre family of transpiler passes, namely layout pass SabreLayout and routing pass SabreSwap. Function transpile() keyword arguments layout_method and routing_method now accept the option "sabre" for circuits with control flow, which was previously unsupported.

Circuits Features
  • The fields IfElseOp.condition, WhileLoopOp.condition and can now be instances of the new runtime classical-expression type expr.Expr. This is distinct from ParameterExpression because it is evaluated at runtime for backends that support such operations.

    These new expressions have significantly more power than the old two-tuple form of supplying classical conditions. For example, one can now represent equality constraints between two different classical registers, or the logic “or” of two classical bits. These two examples would look like:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister
    from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
    qr = QuantumRegister(4)
    cr1 = ClassicalRegister(2)
    cr2 = ClassicalRegister(2)
    qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr1, cr2)
    qc.h(0), 1)
    qc.h(2), 3)
    qc.measure([0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3])
    # If the two registers are equal to each other.
    with qc.if_test(expr.equal(cr1, cr2)):
    # While either of two bits are set.
    with qc.while_loop(expr.logic_or(cr1[0], cr1[1])):
      qc.measure([0, 1], cr1)

    For more examples, see the documentation for qiskit.circuit.classical.

    This feature is new for both Qiskit and the available quantum hardware that Qiskit works with. As the features are still being developed there are likely to be places where there are unexpected edge cases that will need some time to be worked out. If you encounter any issue around classical expression support or usage please open an issue with Qiskit or your hardware vendor.

    In this initial release, Qiskit has added the operations:

    These can act on Python integer and Boolean literals, or on ClassicalRegister and Clbit instances.

    All these classical expressions are fully supported through the Qiskit transpiler stack, through QPY serialisation (qiskit.qpy) and for export to OpenQASM 3 (qiskit.qasm3). Import from OpenQASM 3 is currently managed by a separate package (which is re-exposed via qiskit.qasm3), which we hope will be extended to match the new features in Qiskit.

  • Tooling for working with the new representations of classical runtime expressions has been added. A general ExprVisitor is provided for consumers of these expressions to subclass. Two utilities based on this structure, iter_vars() and structurally_equivalent(), are also provided, which respectively produce an iterator through the Var nodes and check whether two Expr instances are structurally the same, up to some mapping of the Var nodes contained.

  • Added function lift_legacy_condition() which can be used to convert old-style conditions into new-style Expr nodes. Note that these expression nodes are not permitted in old-style Instruction.condition fields, which are due to be replaced by more advanced classical handling such as IfElseOp.

  • Added support for taking absolute values of ParameterExpressions. For example, the following is now possible:

    from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, Parameter
    x = Parameter("x")
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(1)
    circuit.rx(abs(x), 0)
    bound = circuit.bind_parameters({x: -1})
  • The performance of QuantumCircuit.assign_parameters() and bind_parameters() has significantly increased for large circuits with structures typical of applications uses. This includes most circuits based on the NLocal structure, such as EfficientSU2. See #10282 for more detail.

  • The method QuantumCircuit.assign_parameters() has gained two new keywords arguments: flat_input and strict. These are advanced options that can be used to speed up the method when passing the parameter bindings as a dictionary; flat_input=True is a guarantee that the dictionary keys contain only Parameter instances (not ParameterVectors), and strict=False allows the dictionary to contain parameters that are not present in the circuit. Using these two options can reduce the overhead of input normalisation in this function.

  • Added a new keyword argument flatten to the constructor for the following classes:

    If this argument is set to True the QuantumCircuit subclass generated will not wrap the implementation into Gate or Instruction objects. While this isn’t optimal for visualization it typically results in much better runtime performance, especially with QuantumCircuit.bind_parameters() and QuantumCircuit.assign_parameters() which can see a substatial runtime improvement with a flattened output compared to the nested wrapped default output.

  • Added support for constructing LinearFunctions from more general quantum circuits, that may contain:

    • Barriers (of type Barrier) and delays (Delay), which are simply ignored
    • Permutations (of type PermutationGate)
    • Other linear functions
    • Cliffords (of type Clifford), when the Clifford represents a linear function (and a CircuitError exception is raised if not)
    • Nested quantum circuits of this form
  • Added LinearFunction.__eq__() method. Two objects of type LinearFunction are considered equal when their representations as binary invertible matrices are equal.

  • Added LinearFunction.extend_with_identity() method, which allows to extend a linear function over k qubits to a linear function over n >= k qubits, specifying the new positions of the original qubits and padding with identities on the remaining qubits.

  • Added two methods for pretty-printing LinearFunction objects: LinearFunction.mat_str(), which returns the string representation of the linear function viewed as a matrix with 0/1 entries, and LinearFunction.function_str(), which returns the string representation of the linear function viewed as a linear transformation.

  • The instructions StatePreparation and Initialize, and their associated circuit methods QuantumCircuit.prepare_state() and initialize(), gained a keyword argument normalize, which can be set to True to automatically normalize an array target. By default this is False, which retains the current behaviour of raising an exception when given non-normalized input.

Algorithms Features
  • Added the option to pass a callback to the UMDA optimizer, which allows keeping track of the number of function evaluations, the current parameters, and the best achieved function value.
OpenQASM Features
  • The OpenQASM 3 exporters (qasm3.dump(), dumps() and Exporter) have a new allow_aliasing argument, which will eventually replace the alias_classical_registers argument. This controls whether aliasing is permitted for either classical bits or qubits, rather than the option only being available for classical bits.
Quantum Information Features
  • Added a new function negativity() that calculates the entanglement measure of negativity of a quantum state. Example usage of the above function is given below:

    from qiskit.quantum_info.states.densitymatrix import DensityMatrix
    from qiskit.quantum_info.states.statevector import Statevector
    from qiskit.quantum_info import negativity
    import numpy as np
    # Constructing a two-qubit bell state vector
    state = np.array([0, 1/np.sqrt(2), -1/np.sqrt(2), 0])
    # Calculating negativity of statevector
    negv = negativity(Statevector(state), [1])
    # Creating the Density Matrix (DM)
    rho = DensityMatrix.from_label("10+")
    # Calculating negativity of DM
    negv2 = negativity(rho, [0, 1])
  • Added the function schmidt_decomposition(). This function works with the Statevector and DensityMatrix classes for bipartite pure states.

  • Adds support for multiplication of SparsePauliOp objects with Parameter objects by using the * operator, for example:

    from qiskit.circuit import Parameter
    from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
    param = Parameter("a")
    op = SparsePauliOp("X")
    param * op
Pulse Features
  • The SymbolicPulse library was extended. The new pulse functions in the library are:

    The new functions return a ScalableSymbolicPulse instance, and match the functionality of the corresponding functions in the discrete pulse library, with the exception of Square() for which a phase of 2π2\pi shifts by a full cycle (contrary to the discrete square() where such a shift was induced by a π\pi phase).

  • The method filter() is activated in the ScheduleBlock class. This method enables users to retain only Instruction objects which pass through all the provided filters. As builtin filter conditions, pulse Channel subclass instance and Instruction subclass type can be specified. User-defined callbacks taking Instruction instance can be added to the filters, too.

  • The method exclude() is activated in the ScheduleBlock class. This method enables users to retain only Instruction objects which do not pass at least one of all the provided filters. As builtin filter conditions, pulse Channel subclass instance and Instruction subclass type can be specified. User-defined callbacks taking Instruction instance can be added to the filters, too. This method is the complement of filter(), so the following condition is always satisfied: block.filter(*filters) + block.exclude(*filters) == block in terms of instructions included, where block is a ScheduleBlock instance.

  • Added a new function gaussian_square_echo() to the pulse library. The returned pulse is composed of three GaussianSquare pulses. The first two are echo pulses with duration half of the total duration and implement rotary tones. The third pulse is a cancellation tone that lasts the full duration of the pulse and implements correcting single qubit rotations.

  • QPY supports the Discriminator and Kernel objects. This feature enables users to serialize and deserialize the Acquire instructions with these objects using QPY.

Synthesis Features
  • Added a new synthesis function synth_cx_cz_depth_line_my() which produces the circuit form of a CX circuit followed by a CZ circuit for linear nearest neighbor (LNN) connectivity in 2-qubit depth of at most 5n, using CX and phase gates (S, Sdg or Z). The synthesis algorithm is based on the paper of Maslov and Yang, arXiv:2210.16195.

    The algorithm accepts a binary invertible matrix mat_x representing the CX-circuit, a binary symmetric matrix mat_z representing the CZ-circuit, and returns a quantum circuit with 2-qubit depth of at most 5n computing the composition of the CX and CZ circuits. The following example illustrates the new functionality:

    import numpy as np
    from qiskit.synthesis.linear_phase import synth_cx_cz_depth_line_my
    mat_x = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]])
    mat_z = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
    qc = synth_cx_cz_depth_line_my(mat_x, mat_z)

    This function is now used by default in the Clifford synthesis algorithm synth_clifford_depth_lnn() that optimizes 2-qubit depth for LNN connectivity, improving the 2-qubit depth from 9n+4 to 7n+2. The clifford synthesis algorithm can be used as follows:

    from qiskit.quantum_info import random_clifford
    from qiskit.synthesis import synth_clifford_depth_lnn
    cliff = random_clifford(3)
    qc = synth_clifford_depth_lnn(cliff)

    The above synthesis can be further improved as described in the paper by Maslov and Yang, using local optimization between 2-qubit layers. This improvement is left for follow-up work.

Visualization Features
  • QuantumCircuit.draw() and function circuit_drawer() when using option output='mpl' now support drawing the nested circuit blocks of ControlFlowOp operations, including if, else, while, for, and switch/case. Circuit blocks are wrapped with boxes to delineate the circuits.

  • Some restrictions when using wire_order in the circuit drawers have been relaxed. Now, wire_order can list just qubits and, in that case, it can be used with cregbundle=True, since it will not affect the classical bits.

    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
    qr = QuantumRegister(4, "q")
    cr = ClassicalRegister(4, "c")
    cr2 = ClassicalRegister(2, "ca")
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr, cr2)
    circuit.x(3).c_if(cr, 10)
    circuit.draw('text', wire_order=[2, 3, 0, 1], cregbundle=True)
     q_2: ────────────
          ┌───┐ ┌───┐
     q_3: ┤ H ├─┤ X ├─
          ├───┤ └─╥─┘
     q_0: ┤ H ├───╫───
          ├───┤   ║
     q_1: ┤ X ├───╫───
     c: 4/═════╡ 0xa
    ca: 2/════════════
Misc. Features

Upgrade Notes

  • Qiskit Terra 0.25 has dropped support for Python 3.7 following deprecation warnings started in Qiskit Terra 0.23. This is consistent with Python 3.7’s end-of-life on the 27th of June, 2023. To continue using Qiskit, you must upgrade to a more recent version of Python.

  • Qiskit Terra 0.25 now requires versison 0.13.0 of rustworkx.

  • By default Qiskit builds its compiled extensions using the Python Stable ABI with support back to the oldest version of Python supported by Qiskit (currently 3.8). This means that moving forward there will be a single precompiled wheel that is shipped on release that works with all of Qiskit’s supported Python versions. There isn’t any expected runtime performance difference using the limited API so it is enabled by default for all builds now. Previously, the compiled extensions were built using the version specific API and would only work with a single Python version. This change was made to reduce the number of package files we need to build and publish in each release. When building Qiskit from source, there should be no changes necessary to the build process except that the default tags in the output filenames will be different to reflect the use of the limited API.

Transpiler Upgrade Notes
  • Support for passing in lists of argument values to the transpile() function is removed. This functionality was deprecated as part of the 0.23.0 release. You are still able to pass in a list of QuantumCircuit objects for the first positional argument. What has been removed is list broadcasting of the other arguments to each circuit in that input list. Removing this functionality was necessary to greatly reduce the overhead for parallel execution for transpiling multiple circuits at once. If you’re using this functionality currently you can call transpile() multiple times instead. For example if you were previously doing something like:

    from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap
    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit import transpile
    qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
    qc.h(0), 1)
    cmaps = [CouplingMap.from_heavy_hex(d) for d in range(3, 15, 2)]
    results = transpile([qc] * 6, coupling_map=cmaps)

    instead you should now run something like:

    from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap
    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
    from qiskit import transpile
    qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
    qc.h(0), 1)
    cmaps = [CouplingMap.from_heavy_hex(d) for d in range(3, 15, 2)]
    results = [transpile(qc, coupling_map=cm) for cm in cmap]

    You can also leverage parallel_map() or multiprocessing from the Python standard library if you want to run this in parallel.

  • The Sabre family of transpiler passes (namely SabreLayout and SabreSwap) are now used by default for all circuits when invoking the transpiler at optimization level 1 (e.g. calling transpile() or generate_preset_pass_manager() with keyword argument optimization_level=1). Previously, circuits with control flow operations used DenseLayout and StochasticSwap with this profile.

Circuits Upgrade Notes
  • The OpenQASM 2 constructor methods on QuantumCircuit (from_qasm_str() and from_qasm_file()) have been switched to use the Rust-based parser added in Qiskit Terra 0.24. This should result in significantly faster parsing times (10 times or more is not uncommon) and massively reduced intermediate memory usage.

    The QuantumCircuit methods are kept with the same interface for continuity; the preferred way to access the OpenQASM 2 importer is to use qasm2.load() and qasm2.loads(), which offer an expanded interface to control the parsing and construction.

  • The deprecated circuit_cregs argument to the constructor for the InstructionSet class has been removed. It was deprecated in the 0.19.0 release. If you were using this argument and manually constructing an InstructionSet object (which should be quite uncommon as it’s mostly used internally) you should pass a callable to the resource_requester keyword argument instead. For example:

    from qiskit.circuit import Clbit, ClassicalRegister, InstructionSet
    from qiskit.circuit.exceptions import CircuitError
    def my_requester(bits, registers):
        bits_set = set(bits)
        bits_flat = tuple(bits)
        registers_set = set(registers)
        def requester(specifier):
            if isinstance(specifer, Clbit) and specifier in bits_set:
                return specifier
            if isinstance(specifer, ClassicalRegster) and specifier in register_set:
                return specifier
            if isinstance(specifier, int) and 0 <= specifier < len(bits_flat):
                return bits_flat[specifier]
            raise CircuitError(f"Unknown resource: {specifier}")
        return requester
    my_bits = [Clbit() for _ in [None]*5]
    my_registers = [ClassicalRegister(n) for n in range(3)]
    InstructionSet(resource_requester=my_requester(my_bits, my_registers))
OpenQASM Upgrade Notes
  • The OpenQASM 2 constructor methods on QuantumCircuit (from_qasm_str() and from_qasm_file()) have been switched to use the Rust-based parser added in Qiskit Terra 0.24. This should result in significantly faster parsing times (10 times or more is not uncommon) and massively reduced intermediate memory usage.

    The QuantumCircuit methods are kept with the same interface for continuity; the preferred way to access the OpenQASM 2 importer is to use qasm2.load() and qasm2.loads(), which offer an expanded interface to control the parsing and construction.

  • The OpenQASM 3 exporters (qasm3.dump(), dumps() and Exporter) will now use fewer “register alias” definitions in its output. The circuit described will not change, but it will now preferentially export in terms of direct bit, qubit and qubit[n] types rather than producing a _loose_bits register and aliasing more registers off this. This is done to minimise the number of advanced OpenQASM 3 features in use, and to avoid introducing unnecessary array structure into programmes that do not require it.

Quantum Information Upgrade Notes
  • Clifford.from_circuit() will no longer attempt to resolve instructions whose definition fields are mutually recursive with some other object. Such recursive definitions are already a violation of the strictly hierarchical ordering that the definition field requires, and code should not rely on this being possible at all. If you want to define equivalences that are permitted to have (mutual) cycles, use an EquivalenceLibrary.
Visualization Upgrade Notes
  • In the internal ~qiskit.visualization.circuit.matplotlib.MatplotlibDrawer object, the arguments layout, global_phase, qregs and cregs have been removed. They were originally deprecated in Qiskit Terra 0.20. These objects are simply inferred from the given circuit now.

    This is an internal worker class of the visualization routines. It is unlikely you will need to change any of your code.

Misc. Upgrade Notes
  • The qiskit.util import location has been removed, as it had been deprecated since Qiskit Terra 0.17. Users should use the new import location, qiskit.utils.

Deprecation Notes

  • Extensions of the qiskit and qiskit.providers namespaces by external packages are now deprecated and the hook points enabling this will be removed in a future release. In the past, the Qiskit project was composed of elements that extended a shared namespace and these hook points enabled doing that. However, it was not intended for these interfaces to ever be used by other packages. Now that the overall Qiskit package is no longer using that packaging model, leaving the possibility for these extensions carry more risk than benefits and is therefore being deprecated for future removal. If you’re maintaining a package that extends the Qiskit namespace (i.e. your users import from qiskit.x or qiskit.providers.y) you should transition to using a standalone Python namespace for your package. No warning will be raised as part of this because there is no method to inject a warning at the packaging level that would be required to warn external packages of this change.

  • The dictionary qiskit.__qiskit_version__ is deprecated, as Qiskit is defined with a single package (qiskit-terra). In the future, qiskit.__version__ will be the single point to query the Qiskit version, as a standard string.

Transpiler Deprecations
  • The function get_vf2_call_limit available via the module qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers.common has been deprecated. This will likely affect very few users since this function was neither explicitly exported nor documented. Its functionality has been replaced and extended by a function in the same module.
Circuits Deprecations
  • The method qasm() and all overriding methods of subclasses of :class:~qiskit.circuit.Instruction are deprecated. There is no replacement for generating an OpenQASM2 string for an isolated instruction as typically a single instruction object has insufficient context to completely generate a valid OpenQASM2 string. If you’re relying on this method currently you’ll have to instead rely on the OpenQASM2 exporter: QuantumCircuit.qasm() to generate the OpenQASM2 for an entire circuit object.
Algorithms Deprecations
  • The qiskit.algorithms module has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It has been superseded by a new standalone library qiskit-algorithms which can be found on PyPi or on Github here:

    The qiskit.algorithms module will continue to work as before and bug fixes will be made to it until its future removal, but active development of new features has moved to the new package. If you’re relying on qiskit.algorithms you should update your Python requirements to also include qiskit-algorithms and update the imports from qiskit.algorithms to qiskit_algorithms. Please note that this new package does not include already deprecated algorithms code, including opflow and QuantumInstance-based algorithms. If you have not yet migrated from QuantumInstance-based to primitives-based algorithms, you should follow the migration guidelines in The decision to migrate the algorithms module to a separate package was made to clarify the purpose Qiskit and make a distinction between the tools and libraries built on top of it.

Pulse Deprecations
  • Initializing a ScalableSymbolicPulse with complex value for amp. This change also affects the following library pulses:

    Initializing amp for these with a complex value is now deprecated as well.

    Instead, use two floats when specifying the amp and angle parameters, where amp represents the magnitude of the complex amplitude, and angle represents the angle of the complex amplitude. i.e. the complex amplitude is given by amp×exp(i×angle)\texttt{amp} \times \exp(i \times \texttt{angle}).

  • The Call instruction has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead, use function call() from module qiskit.pulse.builder within an active building context.

Misc. Deprecations
  • The Jupyter magic %circuit_library_info and the objects in it calls in turn:

    • circuit_data_table
    • properties_widget
    • qasm_widget
    • circuit_digram_widget
    • circuit_library_widget

    are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. These objects were only intended for use in the documentation build. They are no longer used there, so are no longer supported or maintained.

Known Issues

  • Circuits containing classical expressions made with the expr module are not yet supported by the circuit visualizers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Channel where index validation was done incorrectly and only raised an error when the index was both non-integer and negative, instead of either.

  • Fixed an issue with the transpile() function and all the preset pass managers generated via generate_preset_pass_manager() where the output QuantumCircuit object’s layout attribute would have an invalid TranspileLayout.final_layout attribute. This would occur in scenarios when the VF2PostLayout pass would run and find an alternative initial layout that has lower reported error rates. When altering the initial layout the final_layout attribute was never updated to reflect this change. This has been corrected so that the final_layout is always correctly reflecting the output permutation caused by the routing stage. Fixed #10457

  • The OpenQASM 2 parser (qasm2.load() and loads()) running in strict mode will now correctly emit an error if a barrier statement has no arguments. When running in the (default) more permissive mode, an argument-less barrier statement will continue to cause a barrier on all qubits currently in scope (the qubits a gate definition affects, or all the qubits defined by a program, if the statement is in a gate body or in the global scope, respectively).

  • The OpenQASM 2 exporter (QuantumCircuit.qasm()) will now no longer attempt to output barrier statements that act on no qubits. Such a barrier statement has no effect in Qiskit either, but is invalid OpenQASM 2.

  • Qiskit can represent custom instructions that act on zero qubits, or on a non-zero number of classical bits. These cannot be exported to OpenQASM 2, but previously QuantumCircuit.qasm() would try, and output invalid OpenQASM 2. Instead, a QASM2ExportError will now correctly be raised. See #7351 and #10435.

  • Fixed an issue with using Targets without coupling maps with the FullAncillaAllocation transpiler pass. In this case, FullAncillaAllocation will now add ancilla qubits so that the number of qubits in the DAGCircuit matches that of Target.num_qubits.

  • DAGCircuit.substitute_node() will no longer silently overwrite an existing condition on the given replacement op. If propagate_condition is set to True (the default), a DAGCircuitError will be raised instead.

  • A parametrised circuit that contains a custom gate whose definition has a parametrised global phase can now successfully bind the parameter in the inner global phase. See #10283 for more detail.

  • Construction of a Statevector from a QuantumCircuit containing zero-qubit operations will no longer raise an error. These operations impart a global phase on the resulting statevector.

  • The control-flow builder interface will now correctly include ClassicalRegister resources from nested switch statements in their containing circuit scopes. See #10398.

  • Fixed an issue in QuantumCircuit.decompose() where passing a circuit name to the function that matched a composite gate name would not decompose the gate if it had a label assigned to it as well. Fixed #9136

  • Fixed an issue with qiskit.visualization.plot_histogram() where the relative legend did not show up when the given dataset had a zero value in the first position. See #10158 for more details.

  • Fixed a failure with method Target.update_from_instruction_schedule_map() triggered by the given inst_map containing a Schedule with unassigned durations.

  • When the parameter conditional=True is specified in random_circuit(), conditional operations in the resulting circuit will now be preceded by a full mid-circuit measurment. Fixes #9016

  • Improved the type annotations on the QuantumCircuit.assign_parameters() method to reflect the change in return type depending on the inplace argument.

  • The OpenQASM 2 circuit-constructor methods (QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_str() and from_qasm_file()) will no longer error when encountering a gate definition that contains U or CX instructions. See #5536.

  • Reduced overhead of the ConsolidateBlocks pass by performing matrix operations on all two-qubit blocks instead of creating an instance of QuantumCircuit and passing it to an Operator. The speedup will only be applicable when consolidating two-qubit blocks. Anything higher than that will still be handled by the Operator class. Check #8779 for details.

  • The OpenQASM 3 exporter (qiskit.qasm3) will no longer output invalid OpenQASM 3 for non-unitary Instruction instances, but will instead raise a QASM3ExporterError explaining that these are not yet supported. This feature is slated for a later release of Qiskit, when there are more classical-processing facilities throughout the library.

  • Fixes issue #10185.

  • Fixed an issue with function state_to_latex(). Previously, it produced invalid LaTeX with unintended coefficient rounding, which resulted in errors when calling state_drawer(). Fixed #9297.

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